Sunday, March 19, 2023

Leaving Prague 😌

‘Hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, so that He who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally’. (S.Francis of Assisi)

Final day in sublime city of Prague. Three hours to wander about and then taxi to airport. Hotel holding our cases in storage. 
Myriad amazing encounters, all memorable. Like waitress serving our lunch when she received my rosary beads. No words to articulate her joy and total surprise: ‘You pray, yea’, she uttered. Later Jesus told me in my heart: ‘That lady received what she needed most in that moment, a hug from Me’.

Kneeling in Church, elegant young lady asked if we could pray together. Her’s a harrowing tale of neglect and abuse. She placed my rosary beads around her neck and prayed my prayer aloud before placing it in her designer handbag. We will keep in contact now.

Young guys on plane tired and emotional returning home from Stag party in Prague. I offered one guy my prayer and immediately another enquired: ‘Is there one for me?’. Others got prayers too. They got everything they wanted in Prague. They got EVERYTHING they needed on the way home.
I cannot stop thinking of them, seeing first hand, yet again, how much our precious young folk yearn in their deepest hearts for guidance and light.

Guys who refused my prayer - Like Ciaran who believed in God one time but not anymore. Too much bad luck in his life. All of them asked the same thing though: ‘Would I please pray it for them’. Absolutely I doπŸ™πŸ»

Green bus to Killarney comfortable and pleasant. Elderly man began to cough incessantly and Mary offered him a cough sweet. There ensued amazing conversation and yes!! He now has my prayer too.

Bus driver went out of his way to drop us near to where our car was parked (it being extremely late) and I offered him my prayer in thanksgiving. I will not forget his joyful grateful reaction, and to think had he not gone that extra mile I might not have approached him at all.

Long drive home after that, both of us completely shattered. God again to the rescue! Mary ravenous, not having eaten in quite some time and so wide awake behind the wheel. Never before did either of us regard hunger a gift from God!!
Every thing is in gift form 🎁

I left home for Prague one week ago, aware of my God vocation. I return home completely convinced of my life’s purpose.πŸŽ†

‘Nothing is better than fulfilling the role that God has chosen for you, that is what we are called to do. Truly nothing will satisfy us unless we do that’. (Fr. Chase Hilgenbrink)
‘Once we come to realise how much God has given us, a life of self-sacrifice, of working for Him and for others, becomes not a burden but a privileged way of thanking Him for His great love’.
(Pope Francis)

‘They got a mug of Bovril’, Ruairi remarked wisely re tired and emotional young guys accepting my prayer on aeroplane. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜…πŸ•Š️

Air Hostess offered me packet of wipes as there was no water in bathroom taps. As I emerged from cubicle I offered them to young guy waiting to go in. ‘I don’t want them’, he uttered, somewhat perplexed. ‘They are for your hands’, I replied impatiently, and then we both burst out laughing.
That same young guy was first to accept my prayer later as we disembarked from plane, thus enabling his tired and emotional mates follow suitπŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»

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