Friday, March 3, 2023

This is Life πŸ“–πŸ™πŸ»

‘The Saviour of our souls has not given us an ardent desire to serve Him without also giving us the means to do so’. (Saint Frances de Sales)

Her beloved Holy Bible lay on the kitchen table but no time to snatch it as she fled her occupied home in Odessa, she told me. In Poland where she stayed a while she could not find a Bible anywhere. Here in our town where she now resides, no Bible to be found too.
 ‘I will get you one’, I said. Thank God Killian had only recently ordered me a Holy Bible on line for my nephew Michael and his new bride Cathy. I would gift her that one, Killian would no doubt order me another. Michael and Cathy have been waiting quite a while already, another week will make little difference.

Tonight, overcome with joy, Tamara holds her new Holy Bible close to her broken heart uttering the words: ‘This is Life’. 
She reads Psalm 91 aloud, in floods of tears and broken English.
Grandmother just like me.
Not for the longest time, if ever!! will I forget our extremely moving encounter.
Many refugees now reside in Tamara’s home in decimated Odessa.

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight’. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

‘Thank you Mary’, uttered Tamara’s little grandson sincerely as he relished Mary’s yummy cake. Unforgettable moment of pure grace!! Mary witnessed the deepest desire of her heart in that precious moment. She was seen, known and loved by God through the soul and eyes of that beautiful child.❤️

‘Jesus wishes that His eternal gaze at His Father, pass on through our souls and our eyes. His is a gaze of purity, tenderness, and adoration. Let us always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, that we may know Him, discern His desires, better understand His teachings, and penetrate into His heart’. (Blessed Concepcion)

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