Friday, March 3, 2023

Everything is Grace.πŸ™πŸ»

‘O Divine Spirit, I wish to be before you as a light feather, so that Your Breath may carry me where You will’. (St. Katharine Drexel)

Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament in our sublime oratory this morning. For a moment my eyes fixed themselves on tree painted on the wall. Admiring it and thinking of gifted kindhearted artist lady who placed it there. Deep in thought when someone got up to leave and as I turned around I could not believe my eyes! Artist lady who painted the beautiful tree was about to head out the door.

She and I had never met in this sacred space before, not ever. I told her I was just that minute admiring her beautiful creation and then (still whispering) asked if she had ever received my prayer. She replied that maybe she had got it from me one time. I asked if she knew where it was, she replied ‘probably not. ‘Would you like a second one’, I asked. ‘Yes please’, she replied. We both laughed as I told her that many folk are receiving second prayer this week. Unbelievably amazing encounter.

Every morning as I leave my home, Holy Spirit prompts me to take two prayers from the stash in my bag and place them in my pocket. Today, first prayer went to a young Ukrainian girl on her way to school.

Nothing on earth can compare with Holy Mass in St. Anne’s this afternoon. So beautiful, all of us in our brokenness singing and praising God together to our heart’s content.

Had I known in advance that I would be attending Holy Mass in St.Anne’s this afternoon, I probably would have stayed home this morning. What a shame that would have been! Young Ukrainian school girl would not have received my prayer and artist lady would not have received second prayer.

Thankyou Holy Spirit. You are my primary and constant companion and guide. πŸ•Š️ 

I love my prayer-sharing vocation from Father God. To know and believe without question or doubt that folk are being minded by all of Heaven just makes my day.πŸ˜„

‘Why not start the fire of love by loving - one by one - all whom we meet and deal with during the day’.     (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)


Heavenly Father, we bless You that You call all of us to Holiness in our vocations. We ask that You guide us and lead us to Holiness in our lives. Mary we lift up this prayer through your Mother’s heart. Amen

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