Thursday, March 9, 2023

Gratitude ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

                                 All wealth which is not my God to me is poverty’. (St. Augustine)

Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s cozy dayroom this rainy, bitter cold, March afternoon. I sit beside my dear auntie and every now and then she randomly declares: ‘Amen amen I say to you. Take up your cross and follow me’. Poignant words in this sublime setting!  

After a while Holy Spirit whispers into my deepest spirit: ‘What if she prays it after each decade’. Wow! I gently nudge dear Auntie when the time is right. Opening her sleepy eyes, she calls out her prayer every time. Luminescence and sublimity in the ordinary!

All of us sitting round in a sacred semicircle, I love to gaze on their perfectly polished shoes that will never wear out now. I ponder how these gentle folk must have oftentimes needed new shoes up and down the long years but had not the money to purchase them. Today new shoes, money in their bank accounts but they could care less about all that stuff now. 

Holy Rosary has steadfastly stood the test of time, and today as always brings them peace of mind and joy in abundance. Me too๐Ÿ˜„

I think to myself that indeed life is lived forward but can only be understood backwards. Love God and do His Holy Will to the best of our ability. He knows our every need, we will not go without.

‘Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward and learning to enjoy whatever life has, and this requires transforming greed into gratitude’. (St. John Chrysostom)

                                                                       Dear Auntie❤️

Outside my window this morning devoted crows building nests for their young ones. This time last year they themselves were ‘young ones’. This year they are parents. Let us not miss one minute of this glorious fleeting life from wonderful Father God.๐ŸŽ Freely we have received - Freely we shall give!!

                        ‘From His fullness have we all received grace upon grace’. (John 1:16)

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