Tuesday, January 31, 2023


‘Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world’. (Pope Frances)

My beloved prayer is making it’s way to prison I am glad to say. Here’s how it came to be.

Today praying 3PM live-streamed Holy Rosary when a little lady came into Church. She strolled about the place reverently and then sat down in a pew near Holy Alter where I stood in prayer. Afterwards we chatted and she told me that although she is now retired from Legion of Mary, she still sends prayers and magazine to prisons. Like myself, she just wants to be of service somehow in some way.

‘For the Son of man did not come to served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many’.     (Mark 11:45)

Wow! The thought had never once crossed my mind. Lady read my prayer and happily took all I had in my bag. To think that some poor incarcerated soul will be praying my prayer - even one person - that all of Heaven will be minding that person or persons, fills my heart to overflowing with gratitude to our wonderful God. 

She told me too that when sending prayers to prison always address my prayers to the Chaplain or they might well be binned. 

‘Live everyday as if it’s your last and one day you will be right’, she said laughingly as we parted company. 

Sunshine walked beside my surprise visitor, no doubt about that, on this wet cold January afternoon in deepest Kerry. Last night I doubted myself severely having shared my prayer with a lady who probably did not want it. O Lord it’s so hard to be humble!! Feeling ridiculous, even for you my beautiful Father God, still stings. 

Then today a wonderful opportunity presents itself from Your Holy Hands.

‘The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility for as he does not know at all how to employ it - neither does he know how to defend himself from it’. (St. Vincent de Paul)

‘He is a planner and he knows everything for a reason’, uttered my gentle friend from India this morning as she signalled to beautiful Jesus in Holy Tabernacle.🕯🙏🏻

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