Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Daily round☀️

‘Let us hold fast the confession of our Hope without wavering for He who promised is faithful’. 
(Hebrews 10:23)
Workmen pointed me in the wrong direction through no fault of their own and so my pleasant encounter with Lynn this morning. She went completely out of her way to help me in the pouring rain and for her trouble and generosity of spirit, Lynn received my beautiful morning prayer. Both of us happy to have met, win/win situation.

Back on the right road, praying the Joyful mysteries as I ambled along, my heart overflowing with gratitude to God for Holy Mass and Holy Eucharist - my sublime privilege every morning. Quite extraordinary!! Father Frank played ‘This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine..’ after Holy Mass. Poignant!

Stopped to chat with lovely young couple and their brand new twin boys, fresh from God. Readily accepting my prayer, I told them I felt honoured to have made their acquaintance. Truly I did!

Wonderful Holy Spirit is guiding my prayer to where it needs to be, no doubt at all in my mind as I go about my daily round. No plan in place, I merely the humble instrument in God’s Holy Hands. All the work of wonderful Holy Spirit, reminding me of Rudyard Kipling’s (poorly paraphrasing!) wise words: ‘Praise and blame - I treat those two imposters the same’.

Wonderful breakfast and wordle in local cafe. I got it in four. Not bad!!
On my way home I sat on a bench in this awesome College campus and recorded ‘Roses’ (song by Tommy Sands) on my phone for Donal, (Katy’s heartbroken husband). He weeps every time he listens but strangely it brings him comfort too, intermingling of darkness and light. Joy and sorrow can undoubtedly exist simultaneously in the human heart.

Dear Joan is in A&E awaiting a bed. Wonderful news thanks be to God, Joan badly in need of care and attention, comfort and warmth. Our Church community greatly relieved, Joan has been on the struggle bus for quite some time now.

I will miss spending time with her but to know that she is finally being cared for is all that really matters right now. Joan, powerful lady of prayer and even though her surroundings now are strange, she is really where she has always been - in Gods Good Hands.🙏🏻

‘O dear Saint Joseph, I place myself, then, with full confidence under your protection. Teach me to live as you did, in faith and abandonment to God; teach me to live solely for Him, by consecrating myself entirely to His service’. (Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen/1953)

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