Monday, January 23, 2023

A change is as good as a rest.☀️

‘Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me bless His Holy Name’. (Psalm 103:1)

Change of scenery this week, time out with Ruairi and family. Rest and renewal after dear Katy’s Months-mind Holy Mass yesterday. I sang at Holy Mass (sublime privilege) and at our family get-together afterwards I sang ‘Roses’ written by Tommy Sands. Beautiful moving song about two young guys (rip) senselessly murdered in Northern Ireland. I remember seeing their pictures in the evening paper at the time so this song is really special to me. I would often sing it for Katy and now all three are in my heart and prayer.❤️πŸ™πŸ»

After Holy Mass this morning, tea and wordle in cozy cafe.  I got it in five - should have done better!!

Young girl serving my tea taken totally aback by my prayer offering. Speechless for a moment she surprised herself saying: ‘Yes, I will take it’. ‘I’m a grandmother’, I told her, ‘I would never offer bad advice. Pray it every morning and all of Heaven will mind you’. Visibly happier, her countenance transformed before my eyes.

Young girl in pharmacy positively giddy accepting my prayer. ‘You will love it’, I said and laughing she uttered: ‘I know I will’. Her Nan lives in Limerick, she proudly declared when I told her my homeland is the kingdom of Kerry.

Completely lost on my way home, young guy kindly gave me directions and accepted my prayer too. Final year in college, Computer Science, prayer to him not a foreign concept.

Mary walking slowly with the aid of a cane uttered: ‘There is nothing wrong with a prayer’, as she accepted mine, a tad shocked but happy too.

Young shop assistant who told me: ‘This is fab’, as she read my prayer. ‘I’m just working here for now, I might go to College next year’, she added almost downcast. I suggested she not use the word ‘just’ - it renders her service paltry and worthless and nothing could be further from the truth. ‘Thank you, I totally get that’, she replied smiling sweetly.

I had no intention of sharing my prayer today. Tired and emotional, sleep having eluded me last night. God had another plan though, no doubt about it, anything can happen when we ‘Let go and let God’

‘We are fragile beings, but we know how to pray: this is our greatest dignity and it is also our strength. Have courage. Pray in every moment, in every situation because the Lord is near us. When a prayer is said according to Jesus’ heart, it obtains miracles’. (Pope Francis)


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