Thursday, January 26, 2023

Alive by the Grace of God.☀️

Tea and wordle in Costa this morning, after Holy Mass and Holy Rosary of course. I got it (wordle) in five. Tricky today! As I pondered whether or not I would offer the lovely young assistant my prayer, I read the following;

‘Relax, My child, I’m in control. Let these words wash over you repeatedly, like soothing waves on a beautiful beach, assuring you of My endless Love. You waste a lot of time and energy trying to figure out things before their time has come’. (Jesus calling/Sarah Young)

Wow!! Exceedingly wonderful welcome words gifted to me at any time but most especially this very minute! As it turns out I did not get to offer that young girl my prayer - she was too busy with customers - but the young girl in Dunnes was greatly appreciative of my words : ‘I’m a grandmother who wishes all you young folk would know how precious you are to God’, as she happily accepted my prayer.

On my way home a couple with their Labrador passed me by. After a few minutes beautiful Labrador turned back around and sat there gazing on me kindly, in no hurry to get going again. At that moment I was feeling particularly tired. ‘Something beautiful for my heart right now’, I told her proud owners. Amazing☀️

Got me thinking - Everywhere I turn, folk young, old and everywhere in between staring at screens, epidemic proportions!! Kindly Labrador on the other hand fully alive in the moment with plenty of time to sit awhile. 😁

‘The glory of God is a person fully alive but the life of a person is the vision of God’. (St. Ireneaus)

Sean was already in Church when I arrived for Adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament this afternoon. I offered him my prayer and what a sharing we had. He studies Theology so it was no surprise then that Thomas Merton, C.S. Lewis and St.Teresa of Avila all emerged in our riveting conversation. ‘I will certainly pray your prayer every morning’, Sean told me as we parted company.

When Adoration was over I spoke with Grace from the United States, Theology student also. Yes, she already has a morning prayer but it is very short so mine is perfect, she told me.

On days like today, I have not one scintilla of a doubt that my prayer-sharing vocation is most definitely what Father God is asking of me right here, right now......and to think I almost stayed home this afternoon.....πŸ˜€

‘You, dear young people, be brave and free! Do not let yourselves be taken in by the deceptive mirages of an easy happiness. Follow the way of Christ: He is demanding, certainly, but He alone can help you to savour the full meaning of life and enjoy peace of heart’. (Saint Pope John Paul)

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