Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Mother Mary.😍

When my artist friend Magella took charge of this beautiful Mother Mary statue a few months ago, it bore no resemblance to what stands before you now. Grey, punched through with tiny holes, drowned wet, downright hopeless and at least one hundred years old. I rescued it from the ruined remaines of Joan’s ancient cottage, with Joan’s permission of course!

As I went to collect it in Church this evening, young man sat outside on cold wet ground enjoying a packet of crisps. Tad inebriated! On my way out again he was just about to leave unsteady on his feet. ‘Would you like a prayer I love to say and share’, I asked. ‘I would’, he replied -‘What do you want? I will give you something’.  ‘No thank you’, I replied - ‘Just pray it every morning, all of Heaven will mind you and you will be happy’. ‘I will’  he replied like he meant it.

Thing is, up to that point my day had been down and lonely. Then, in one fell swoop Dear Mother Mary shifted my gaze away from little old me, elevating my aching heart in the process. 

My nephew Aonghus and his sweetheart Louise who were wed a few months ago will be the beneficiaries of this beautiful Mother Mary statue. Unique wedding gift in this our day and time to be sure. Not often included in ‘wish-lists’ I imagine.πŸ˜ƒ

‘Dearest Mother Mary Queen of peace, keep our troubled minds at ease. Amen

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