Sunday, January 8, 2023

Splendid Sunday.🌺

 ‘We must have one desire - to become little ones; to allow ourselves to be used by God as He wishes, no matter what cost to us’. (Catherine Doherty)

Killarney Station to pick up Derm after Holy Mass this morning. Delighted dropping many books I have accrued into Station waiting-room, almost always folk avail of them. Sneakily positioned prayer in each one, no opportunity missed. Highly tactical with strategic value! 

Two young people waiting on a train gladly accepted my prayer. When I told them I was sharing - not preaching- the young guy said: ‘You can preach if you want’.πŸ˜€ Young girl kneeling in prayer at Friary Crib accepted my prayer too. Overjoyed she uttered: ‘I love prayers’. Oh how I yearn to share my prayer with our beautiful young people in this our day and time. Pure privilege for me.πŸ’Ž

Lunch in Scott’s Hotel before visiting dear Mary in her Care Centre. I bring her cigarettes. She wishes I could stay longer but then she sees my boys waiting in the car and understands, smiling like a thousand suns. Being around Mary inspires and fills my heart.🌺

Onwards, grateful Mother and sons along sublime winding road to Gap of Dunloe. Beauty is a great reflection of God Himself - no other explanation.🀩

‘Beauty is the heart’s encounter with the living God’. (Bill Donaghy)

                                                  Relaxing in Murts after a perfect day. ☀️πŸ™πŸ» 

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