Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Three prayersπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

‘If we do not risk anything for God we will never do anything great for Him’. (St. Louis De Montfort)

                 Prayer (No.3)πŸ™πŸ» I received from my wonderful friends in Madonna House, Vancouver.

I offered the above beautiful prayer (No.3) to ‘Window guy’ Mick this morning on my way to Holy Mass, now he possesses all three, complete set!! Some years ago he received my prayer (No.1) when he changed my door locks. Then, a few months ago my doors needed tweaking and Mick received my prayer (No.2).

Last week as Mick replaced windows in our Church he didn’t recognise me dolled up to the nines for my old friend Sheila’s daughter’s wedding. Catriona and Killian getting wed, I honoured with sublime task of singing Offertory Hymn. This morning Mick had no difficulty recognising me as he told me laughingly: ‘I know you again now’. Glamour obviously a thing of the past, Cinderella well and truly home from the Ball.πŸ’ƒ

We spoke about my dear sister Katy who passed away three weeks today, Mick is kind and compassionate to a fault. Both of us in unison declaring that life is beyond precious, every moment in time ‘pure cream’. When we will take our leave of this wonderful world, there ends any opportunities to make a difference, to ‘Do something beautiful for God’ as St. Mother Teresa would oftentimes suggest. 

‘Yes indeed’ I added, ‘I won’t even be able to give a prayer to a ‘Window guy’.πŸ˜‚

Every reason under the sun therefore, to make hay while the sun shines.☀️

‘Every breath we draw is a gift of God’s Love. Every moment of existence is a Grace’.                   (Thomas Merton)

Prayer (No.1)πŸ™πŸ» I love St. Teresa of Avila and before Lockdowns changed everything, dear Bridie would pray the above after every Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s.😌

                                                              Prayer (No.2). I procured from EWTN.

                                                               Catriona and Killian.πŸŽ†πŸŒΊ

                                                                          Dear Bridie πŸ“Ώ❤️
‘Honour the wisdom of those who went before you. Bind it ever to your heart. Tie it around your neck. When you walk it will lead you. When you lie down it will watch over you. When you wake it will talk to you’. (Proverbs 6:20-22)

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