Saturday, January 28, 2023


‘To be possessed by God, to surrender to Him utterly, completely, so that even before death one may say with St. Paul. “I live now, not I, but Christ lives in me”. To do this because one’s soul is filled with but one desire - to make Him loved and known by others - that, to me, is LIFE’. (Catherine Doherty)

Back home once again after spending most wonderful week in the bosom of my loving family, saying goodbye never easy. 

Young catering assistant who served my breakfast in Heuston Station told me: ‘Every morning when I pray your prayer I will think of you’. Beautiful blessing๐ŸŒ 

Ticket lady on train asked to see my ‘Travel Pass’. I thanked her for the compliment! At that exact moment an anxious young guy (Sleep deprived new Dad ๐Ÿ˜ด) was explaining on his phone for all of us to hear, reasons why his parents would not be minding baby: ‘They are old now. Pensioners you know’. Oh my dear young man, I wanted to holler - All of us must age but we must NEVER grow old!๐Ÿฅณ

I offered my prayer to the young lady sitting on the seat next to me and turns out she had just this week qualified after five gruelling years in college and will begin her new career very soon. She was genuinely overjoyed with her ‘well timed’ new prayer. 

On the next train as I contemplated somehow placing my heavy case in the overhead compartment, another young lady stopped in her tracks offering to do it for me. She too was delighted and surprised with her new prayer.

I am constantly amazed at our beautiful young folk’s reaction to my prayer. They are totally open to our muck or diamonds! When and how did I begin to share beautiful Holy Spirit’s ‘Diamond’, I really have no idea but I am so grateful for the divine privilege.

Ever since my dear Katy passed from this life there is a deeper urgency in my heart to make every moment of my life meaningful. Right now I can pray and offer a prayer, there is still time. However, when my life here is over, when my work here is done, I will be solely depending on others to pray for my soul. To pray one beautiful Hail Mary will be completely beyond my reach!

Life is short - Eternity is forever! Sobering thought!!

‘The doings of this life carry on into eternity’. (Frank Duff)

                                                           Jim ๐Ÿˆ happy I’m home๐Ÿ˜น

“M.Le Cure”, his missionary said to him one day, “if God were to give you your choice of going directly to Heaven, or remaining on earth to labour for the conversion of sinners, what would you do.”
“I think I would remain here”.
“Oh! M. le Cure, is it possible? The Saints are so happy in Heaven!”
“That is true, but they can no longer glorify God, as we can, by sacrifices for the salvation of souls”.
(Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars)

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