Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Slow down. Cover less ground.πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸ»

Flawless timing divine wisdom! (God calling2).  Last night Killian was concerned that maybe I rush about too much, leaving little or no time just for little old me. God Bless his kind caring heart.

How could I explain that with Jesus holding the reins, there is no strain! Time reveals all. We must each of us do our own growing no matter how tall our grandfather was. 

Just now Father calls leting me know that St. Anne’s Holy Mass is being postponed until next Wednesday. Awesome God caring for Killian’s concerns too. Restful morning for me and any time I am unable to attend Holy Mass, wonderful Holy Spirit whispers: ‘It will be as if you have been at Holy Mass’.

I love St. Teresa of Avila’s quote:

‘One single Holy Eucharist devoutly received would be enough. One Sacred Host is 100% Jesus - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. It only takes one Holy Eucharist to make us a Saint’. πŸ˜€

The red coat
Maria is one of the very first African folk to arrive in our town. Older than the others she came across a touch arrogant, proud even. One day my dear sister Chris gave me a beautiful red coat and I gifted it to Maria. (I knew right away that it was meant for her)
What happened next stays with me forever.
Maria told me that she had much wealth and now it is all gone, loss of life too. (Her words). When she received her beautiful red coat she knew God was speaking to her in a powerful way. He was telling her that she will always have nice things (of course God knows that Maria loves nice things!) but above all of that, Maria has Him, she is not alone on this foreign soil. She has everything she needs right here, right now. 
What a transformation!! Nowadays, Maria is happy, accepting her new life, believing with all her heart that God will find a way. She looks so much better too!

‘Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices’. (St. Teresa of Avila)

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