Friday, March 8, 2024

Walking with Jesus☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying: “Take heart, it is I: have no fear”. (Matthew 14:27)
On my way to Holy Mass this morning, Postman driving by stops to hand me this beautiful postcard. He never before did that. ‘Letter for you’, he said. ‘It is so beautiful’, I replied. ‘Great start to your day’, Postman said. ‘Yours too’, I replied. 

A few minutes before this took place, I said aloud: ‘Oh Jesus, I love walking with you’. 

Further on, bursting with joy I tell Mary all about it. ‘Oh yes’, she replies, ‘Nobody writes letters anymore’. (Missing the whole point!)

Then she added: ‘Do you know of anybody who could use a pair of shoes, size 6’. I could hardly believe my ears! I surely do know someone who will be delighted with her new shoes. Thankyou kind Mary.

After Holy Mass lady told me that her teenage son who received my prayer recently, sent me a message: ‘Hello. God Bless and Thank you very much’. Wow!

Wonderful visit with guy recovering from long-awaited much needed surgery. All pain gone from his ever-joyful face. His daughter, ever-joyful too, told me she learned very early-on from her dad to smile in good times and bad. Impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time.

St.Anne’s Holy Rosary I told my precious folk that if I had a choice between a holiday in America or pray Holy Rosary with them, I would choose the latter. ‘Do you believe me Nora’, I asked. ‘I do. You are like that’, she replied. Dear Nora. High praise indeed!

Dear lady on her final journey received a brown Scapular. Miraculous that!

Oh how I love walking with Jesus! ‘The joy of the Lord is my strength’. (Nehemiah 8:10)

Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward and learning to enjoy whatever life has, and this requires transforming greed into gratitude. (St. John Chrysostom)

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