Thursday, April 25, 2024

Everyone is looking for You, Jesus☀️πŸ™πŸ»

Jesus is the joy of every heart.
Guy sat alone in pew as I set up Holy Alter for Holy Mass this morning. When I offered him my powerful prayer he told me that he would share it with his wife who is right now waiting in their car feeling quite poorly. ‘Please take another one for her’, I suggested. He was so happy and super shocked at the same time. ‘I’m a grandmother who shares prayers. Strange concept in these times’, I said. His reply: ‘And it shouldn’t be!’. Poor man needed badly a helping hand and wonderful Holy Spirit saved the day as only He can do. 

American Priest, Deacon and their happy group, celebrated Holy Mass in Church this afternoon. Third Holy Mass with visiting groups from America in less than one week. I thoroughly enjoyed being Sacristan every time, joyful prayerful occasions all three of them. Today’s Priest told me that their own Cathedral in America looks quite grand on the outside but unlike ours, needs lots of work done inside. ‘Don’t we all!!’, I added. Homily fodder right there!!

I gifted a powerful prayer for each member to respective group leaders. Many powerful prayers got shared. All glory to God. (Today’s leader exclaimed; ‘They are laminated!!)

When my prayer-sharing mission began some years ago I had no idea how it would bloom but Father God did!!

3pm Live-streamed Holy Rosary and two ladies of another Faith sat on pew nearest Holy Alter. Sometimes they discussed, other times they sat in silence gazing on Holy Cross of Christ. Not in the least disruptive, I prayed Holy Rosary with my friends online, while enjoying their company all at the same time. 

Hard to articulate how beautiful is life within the walls of our Church every single day. Unforgettable Holy Spirit guided encounters, far too numerous to mention. I do not go in search of the world anymore but it seems to me that the world is coming more and more to this place as I go about my day under the omniscient gaze of beautiful Jesus, our Lord, Saviour and elder brother, in Holy Tabernacle.

Reminding me of what an elderly lady told my Dad one day when I was a little girl: ‘One day Eddy, it will all fit into a barnacle’. I had no idea what she meant back then but I really do now!

‘When they found Jesus, they exclaimed: ‘Everyone is looking for You’. (Mark 1:37)
‘How wonderful it is to be who we are, without masks, without fears, without compromises, without lies. Let’s learn to open our hearts to Jesus, even if sometimes we feel tired and wounded, to free ourselves from the weight of our sin through the only medicine able to heal the deepest wounds of our lives: the Eucharist.
Only by shaping our actions on the word of Jesus and nourishing ourselves with Him will we find that peace and joy that we need so much’. (Mother Elvira Petrozzi)


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Ever what He brings me☀️πŸ™πŸ»

God is the Artist. I am the block of marble and the chisel is EVERYTHING.
Thinking this morning how uncomplicated life can become when we learn to accept each moment without judgement. ‘My Grace is with you right now’. In recent times, Heavenly peace has descended into my deepest heart and never before have I tasted anything remotely like it. Unutterable!! I love to share how wonderful Father God took all my shattered nerves and painstakingly, over time, He replaced each one with a brand new nerve. This is how I see it.

“From on high He reached down and seized me; He drew me forth from the mighty waters”.
(Psalm 17:17)

“Almost forty years ago, I ran a crΓ¨che in a Fitness Club. Back in the day when rules and regulations were scant, we made it up as we went along. Hard to believe such times even existed! One day I asked a little boy (Docter now) what he was hoping to receive from Santa Clause. Without a moment’s hesitation he simply replied; ‘Ever what he brings me’. 

I never forgot those wise words from the mouth of a child. They remained in my heart up and down the long years waiting for the day when I could honestly apply them to my own wonderful life from God;  Dear Lord, ever what You bring me. Amen

Joyful devout Priest and congregation all the way from America celebrated Holy Mass in our Church early this morning. My privilege to be their Sacristan. Last week a different American group celebrated Holy Mass too. Both groups each received my powerful prayer and loved it. Lots of laminating of late! 

Today’s group’s Bus Driver’s relatives living in our town and I got to connect them. Thing is, had his cousin not been ultra helpful a few months ago when many asylum seekers began to arrive in our town, I would not have had his number and so Bus Driver and his kin might have passed as ships in the night. How great is our God. 

Same Bus Driver, all the way from America, attended his first Holy Mass in twenty years in our Church this morning. What an honour for us! He told me that somehow mysteriously he agreed to be Bus Driver for this ‘Holy’ tour having turned down all other previous requests. When I handed him Holy Rosary beads from Medugorje, we both knew Mother Mary was gently calling her son home from his extended travels. Bus Driver had no complaints as he smiled from ear to ear.

                                            Moment of transcendence, beauty and peace. 

‘Everything I have learned about beauty in its simplicity, I learned from the Blessed Virgin Mary’.     (J.R.R. Tolkien)

Luminous encounter in Church this evening. Beautiful gentle couple all the way from Tennessee joyfully accepted my powerful prayer and then charming lady told me that her handsome husband was enjoying a ‘quiet day’. She went on to explain (in few words) that for the duration of one whole day every week he utters not a single word, doing everything he normally does in serene silence. Oftentimes she joins him on his day of calm.

Something about them touched my deepest heart. We spoke very little and yet our encounter was heavily laden with all that is good, true and beautiful. Definitely worth pondering upon… whole day without words!

‘Beauty and creativity liberate the spirit and bring peace’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sunshine in my heart☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘What doe the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God’. (Micah 6:8)
‘I pray your prayer every morning ‘, she told me as she hurried past. I caught up with her, yearning to hear her speak. I knew she would be interesting! Quaintly dressed, little boots that stood out (no pun intended). To the unseeing eye just another ordinary middle-aged lady but oh she was so much more than that. We talked about God and prayer and her painful head. I shared my flowers with her, fresh from our Legion of Mary alter. (Legion of Mary meeting in Church every Thursday morning before Holy Mass). ‘You console me’, she said and looking deeply into my soul, uttered; ‘You’ll get to Heaven no bother, there is no sin in you’. Wow! What a gift to my heart!

Little further on, Postman accepted my prayer. He may have needed a prayer I think. Smiling surprised he told me; ‘Thank you. This is no load to me right now’. 

Later, on my way to St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, elderly gentleman shuffling across zebra crossing leaning heavily on his walking stick. Recognising him I thanked him for providing much needed employment through  the years to countless folk in our town. ‘Now I have a gift for you’, I told him, handing him my prayer. For the longest time I will remember fondly his warm smile on hearing my words: ‘When you pray this prayer every morning, all of Heaven will be minding you and your family’. 

‘You give me this’, he uttered, holding up my powerful prayer. Affluent generous gentleman, involved with many thriving business ventures and yet, in that brief moment, on the edge of zebra crossing, (zebra crossing! whole bunch of theology in that) he knew without question or doubt, that he had lovingly received something priceless, more precious than gold.

Three unforgettable encounters. Divine appointments. Holy moments.

‘Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet, especially your family. Be holy’. (St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Beautiful invitation this evening! My dear granddaughter Aoife asks if I would like to do a reading at her Confirmation Holy Mass. What an honour and delight.
Some years ago when Aoife was receiving her first Holy Communion, she told me; ‘Nan, every time I say a prayer, every time I pass a Church, I think of you. That’s the kind of Nan you are’. Wow! What a gift to my heart!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

‘Viva Cristo Rey’. (Miguel Pro SJ)☀️πŸ™πŸ»

She paused in her mad hurry, seeking directions to the Intreo Office. Little elderly Ukrainian lady out of her depth, many miles from her harried homeland. Copious forms to fill out, no word of English emanating from her anxious mouth. As we walked I offered her my prayer. Because she was confused I pointed to the Cross of Jesus around my neck. ‘Islam’, she replied with utter conviction;‘No Christo!’. 

Walking on, we soon arrived at her destination and full of gratitude she hugged me warmly. Sheer magnitude of it all moving both of us to tears. Poor dear lady. 

In Church I went directly to that beautiful Divine Mercy image and tearfully uttered: ‘Imagine this weary world with no Christo’.

Myriad displaced devastated folk in our town right now (oftentimes in tears) and yet, alongside all of that, countless amazing miracles. Overwhelming need and yet ‘Blanketiers’ (Our Volunteer WhatsApp group) coming up with the goods every time. John, out of the goodness of his own heart, ensuring anyone who needs a Holy Bible gets one and that’s pretty much everyone. Most definitely, God is doing a new thing in our town.

All of us deeply privileged to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, our elder brother. We measure our Holiness on how well we imitate Jesus.

‘Following Jesus means nothing other than reproducing His virtues in ourselves, in order to do all things well. It is trying to assume His imprint on our bodies and our souls that we might be entirely transformed into Him’. (Blessed Conchita)

‘If only we would go out, calling upon Jesus power, His Grace, His authority and His word and leaving ourselves out of the picture, we too could do wonders for Him’. (Frances Hogan)

Many young folk joyfully accepting my powerful prayer. Amazing encounters almost every single day. Unforgettable young couple from Sweeden who offered money (Irish Granny freely sharing powerful prayer, super strange concept!) and then were further moved when I asked if they would like me to take a photo of them in our Church. They could not stop smiling as they posed in front of Jesus statue. Definitely they were not expecting that!! Conversation starter for sure when they return home.
Joy: Jesus first. Others next. Yourself last.
‘If we have given ourselves to Jesus Christ, we can give Him to others who are in quest of God, the sea of people who move from one place to another seeking not knowing what they seek. People who hunger for Him today but are confused by a thousand voices….We can give them Jesus Christ if we are in love with Him, the Christ who is in our midst’. (Catherine Doherty)