Saturday, June 26, 2021

Thank God.🙏🏻

‘If anyone would tell you the shortest, surest way to all happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you. For it is certain that whatever calamity happens to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a Blessing. Could you, therefore, work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit; for it heals with a word speaking, and turns all that it touches into happiness.’. (William Law)

Every month, Mary and I meet outside the Shebeen pub for high-tea, chat and chortling.☀️

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Killarney catch-up.❤️

Killarney busy, wonderful normality emerging. Dining alfresco upbeat, joyful and respectful. Our time together flew, in no time at all we were on our busses returning home to our own places, Kerry for me, Cork for Paulina. 

Always a huge Blessing spending time with Paulina, impossible not to be impacted by her tenacity of spirit, downright stick-to-itiveness, her joie de vivre.

Use me in Thy service Lord, and find a task for me. Send me where there’s someone needing help or sympathy. Though I know I often fail and sometimes disobey - Surely there is something I can do for You today. (Patience Strong)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Vitamin Sea.🎪

“O my God, you and you alone are all wise and all knowing! You know, you have determined everything that will happen to us from first to last. 
You have ordered things in the wisest way, and you know what will be my lot year by year until I die. 
You know how long I have to live. You know how I shall die. You have precisely ordained everything, sin excepted. 
Every event of my life is the best for me that it could be, for it comes from you. 
You bring me on year by year, by your wonderful providence, from youth to age, with the most perfect wisdom and with the most perfect love.”   (St. John Henry Newman)

First swim of 2021 today in the broad Atlantic, Ruairi and me. Fresh and blustery. Exhilarating. How Great is our God. 

Afterwards, much needed hottest tea and scones in Barbara’s cozy beach cafe, Tricia, Ruairi and me. Alfresco delights, unforgettable day.
                                                    I love stones......they intrigue me. 💎

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Marina goes shopping. Hooray 🥳


Marina Sarah’s first venture outdoors in a very long time. Restrictions eased in St. Anne’s Nursing Home and so we were free to go anywhere we wished. Marina chose the Wonderland that is Mr. Price, for the simple pleasure of gazing on all the stuff she neither needs or desires.

Precious privilege for us to be in her sublime company, Marina’s needs undemanding, and yet she is one of the few people I know and love in this world who has it all. Simplicity and contentment the warp and woof of her placid existence.

‘And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament’. (Daniel-12:3) 

‘I enjoy going to town and visiting the stores and the market place and seeing all the things I don’t need or want that I can do without’. (Henry Thoreau)

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The harm of a grumbling spirit.😌

‘A dirty day’, complained grumpy Jim, on my way to Holy Mass this morning, reminding me of an excruciating event that occurred tragically over twenty years ago.

We sat around the kitchen table praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Holy Rosary. An elderly lady, sobbing quietly, repeated over and over, ‘This is a terrible day’. She wasn’t referring to the weather, the sun shone brightly on that terrible June day that is forever etched in my memory. The previous night, that dear lady’s grandson Trevor took his own life, God rest his gentle soul.

Yes indeed, once again rain is pouring down in our little town. Heavy mist covers the mountains, grey is the dominant colour. But it is not a ‘terrible day’ or even a ‘dirty day’, I wanted to tell Jim. We are alive and well. We should be on our knees thanking God for His manifold Graces and Blessings. We deserve nothing, we are entitled to nothing, all is gift.

Returning home, Nuala looking very dejected greeted me with: ‘Are you enjoying our beautiful weather?. I suggested she look upwards and thank God for the gift of rain, the greatest ‘youth enhancing’  moisturiser of all. She burst out laughing and replied: ‘It would have to be miraculous to do that for me’.

‘To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring’. (George Santayana)

‘If we cannot see beauty on sunless days when the sky is grey and cold - we’ll never see much when the sky is blue and the earth all green and gold....If we cannot see God in the daily round as we hurry here and there - it’s doubtful whether we’ll ever really find Him anywhere’. (Patience Strong)

Saturday, June 12, 2021

65 today.💃

‘Here I am in my favourite chair, with my feet on the sill and my heart in the air. The sun-struck waves on the water below, in constant motion - to where I don’t know. But thank you - dear Father above - for Your innumerable gifts and Your undying Love! It always amazes me - How can it be? That I’m so in love with One I can’t see’. (Mrs. Goodrich)

My 65th Birthday today. Thankyou dear Lord from my deepest heart for my wonderful life, I love every minute of it. Thank you for my wonderful family, their big beautiful hearts. Thank you for my siblings. Thank you for my vocation. Thank you for my St. Anne’s precious folk who teach me so much, for friends old and new. Thank you, Thankyou, Thankyou. You can never be outdone in generosity.

‘You are the One who teaches me by loving me - unconditionally - just how I am to love. And I? I am Your reflection’. (Mechtild of Magdeburg)

My Birthday would not be complete without my visit to beloved Marina. Because of Marina, I know who God is. She enriches my life in countless ways. She makes me want to be a better me.

‘O Lord, make us children of quietness and heirs of peace’. (St. Clement of Alexandria)

Friday, June 11, 2021

Song of the stream.💦


What is it saying, that little stream as it goes babbling along. Year in, year out repeating itself with it’s monotonous song. It never gets weary or changes it’s tone, or tries out some other refrain. It just goes on singing the same little phrase, over and over again. And yet it comes fresh to my ears every time. I never grow bored with that theme. All day I could listen and never get tired of hearing the song of the stream.      (Patience Strong)

We would stroll by this babbling brook, Rosie and I and every time I would say: ‘Some day, we will look down and we will be shocked and thrilled to see a big bag of money in the water. I will hold your feet and you will dive down to fetch it’. Rosie every time too, gave the same reply: ‘No dear, I will hold your feet and you will dive down to fetch it’. Always we laughed like every time was the first time........
Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end..............

Sacred Heart Novena Day 9.

Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 9 - For Self

GOD’S WORD: You are precious in my eyes and I love you. (Is 43:5)

HUMAN WORD:  To know I am loved is a Grace; we give this in our love of each other. To know the unconditional love of God is perhaps our greatest gift and grace.

PRAYER:  As You love me, Lord, May I love myself, being grateful for the wonder of my being. Amen

Feast of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


‘I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour, you are precious in my eyes, and honoured and I love you’.                     (Isaiah 43:3)

‘The Divine Love of the Eternal Word has become incarnate in the human love of Christ and has fashioned itself a place in history and cast itself for an unmistakable role in the sinful world; and thereby it has guaranteed that Love, and not righteous anger, is God’s first and last message to the world’.                         (Karl Rainer SJ)

‘But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ’.             (Ephesians 2:13)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena - Day 8.

Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 8 - For The World.

GOD’S WORD:  The Lord rejoices in all His works. (Psalm 104:31)

HUMAN WORD:  In all our efforts and work for the Kingdom of God on earth, God delights. The Heart of Jesus reaches out in Love when we, in large or small ways spend energy for the good of the world.

PRAYER:  Lord, in all I do and say, in my hopes and dreams, may your Kingdom come. Amen

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena Day 7

Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 7 - For Others.

GOD’S WORD:  Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul’. (3 John 1:2)

HUMAN WORD:  Why do I pray for others? That the Lord may be close to them and give them what they need. That I may become closer to those I pray for. That the faith we share may increase in myself and all I pray for.

PRAYER:  Be close O Lord to all I pray for today, especially ....... give him/her the Blessing of Your joy and peace. Amen

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena Day 6.

Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 6 - THANKS.

GOD’S WORD: I give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify Your Name forever. (Ps.86:12)

HUMAN WORD: ‘In the light of the Divine Goodness, it seems to me, though others may think differently, that ingratitude is the most abominable of sins’. (Ignatius of Loyola)

PRAYER: May every prayer I make, O Lord, begin with my thanks to You for Your Love for me. Amen.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena Day 5.

Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 5 - HOPE.

GOD’S WORD:  For You, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth. (Ps 71:5)

HUMAN WORD:  Hope and optimism are gifts of God. They are different. Hope comes from faith and is a strength in our lives when all else seems lost. Optimism is when we ‘Hope for the best’. Hope is when we know there is Another near us walking with us.

PRAYER:  May my hope in Your Love and eternity never fade, O Lord. Amen

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena Day 4


Novena Prayer as Day 1.

Day 4 - Forgiveness,

GOD’s WORD: Then Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing’.
(Luke 23:34)

HUMAN WORD:  Much of the wrong we do to others and to ourselves is hidden from us, or we can deny it. Jesus knows this and still forgives. He also forgives when we do know consciously the wrongs and injustices we do or have done.

PRAYER:  Lord have mercy on me, forgive me my sins and give me always the joy of Your help. Amen

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena Day 3

Novena prayer as Day 1.

Day 3 - Love of Creation

GOD’S WORD: God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good. (Gen 1:31)

HUMAN WORD: All creation is good. To enjoy creation is a Grace, and an invitation to lift up our hearts, to love creation as God does, a gift to us. The invitation - to revere, enjoy and give thanks.

PRAYER: Your creation is a gift to your people, Lord. May I always be grateful and use this gift in your service. Amen

Friday, June 4, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena: Day 2

Novena prayer as Day 1.

Day 2 - Love of Others.

GOD’S WORD: I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word. ( John 17:20)

HUMAN WORD:  Praying for another helps our relationship. Praying for another brings gratitude, joy, understanding and forgiveness. Always, true prayer brings compassion for the other.

PRAYER: Your Heart, O Lord, is big enough for us all. Help me share Your Love; make my heart like Yours. Amen.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena - Day 1

Set aside ten minutes each day. Take your time over the words you read. Share your thoughts and feelings with Jesus. Wait quietly to see what comes into your mind and heart. Don’t worry if nothing seems to be happening. People who know each other well don’t need many words. Blessed John Sullivan tells us that God is delighted to see us even if we don’t know what to say. God has our best interest at heart.

Novena Prayer;  Lord Jesus, You have said, ‘Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you’. I come to You in faith and trust, in love and hope. Let me know Your closeness to me and Your care for me and for all who are dear to me. My intention for this Novena is dear to me and I know that what is important to me is important to You. Hear my prayer (mention your intention); grant what I ask and may I always trust that in all that happens in life, You will be close to me as my Friend, Guide and Saviour. And so, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

Day 1 - Love of God.

GOD’S WORD: I have loved you with an everlasting Love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. (Jer.31:3)

HUMAN WORD: To know I am loved is a desire in all of us, and a Grace when received. The Love of God is the desire of the human heart. It is given, not once for all, but every moment of every day, to you and me just as we are.

PRAYER: Let me, O Lord, know each day, Your Love for me. Help me to share that Love with all I meet this day. Amen

(Jesus is not in our past. He is not in our future either. He is walking with us right here, right now. No wonder past events can hijack us mercilessly. No wonder future events can fill us with dread and anxiety. In those times, we are in occupied territory, alone, unshielded. Right here right now we are safe, secure, walking with Jesus who alone is ‘The way, the truth and the Life’.)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Carraig Rose. 🌺

This is what we dream about all through the winter gloom. The good and golden season when the roses are in bloom. When ramblers cover fence and wall and bushes in the bed - glow in lovely tones of yellow, white and pink and red. (Patience Strong)

My Mom’s Dad planted this beautiful rose bush in the 1940’s when my My Dad and Mom were first married and still, to this day it’s exquisite aroma more magnificent than all the perfumes in Brown Thomas. Our Dad pruned it every Good Friday. So much sublime theology packed into that. 

All through our school years, Mom made sure we children took roses to school on the 1st June, it being the month dedicated the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I always say that the only thing Jesus didn’t do in our home was borrow our clothes. As for us children, we borrowed and swapped what clothes we possessed, all of the time, fragments and small opportunities were all made use of. Jesus, our elder brother, valuable member of our close knit family back then and still is today, nothing has changed. 

Every time Mom cleaned our solid fuel range cooker, she would put the soot on the rose leaves as a greenfly repellant. Our tea leaves 🫖 too were used to nourish her ‘Carraig Rose’, named after the place of her birth - ‘Carraigramhar’. We were Eco-friendly long before ‘the experts’ arrived on the scene. Beautiful June. Beautiful memories.