Thursday, June 3, 2021

Sacred Heart Novena - Day 1

Set aside ten minutes each day. Take your time over the words you read. Share your thoughts and feelings with Jesus. Wait quietly to see what comes into your mind and heart. Don’t worry if nothing seems to be happening. People who know each other well don’t need many words. Blessed John Sullivan tells us that God is delighted to see us even if we don’t know what to say. God has our best interest at heart.

Novena Prayer;  Lord Jesus, You have said, ‘Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you’. I come to You in faith and trust, in love and hope. Let me know Your closeness to me and Your care for me and for all who are dear to me. My intention for this Novena is dear to me and I know that what is important to me is important to You. Hear my prayer (mention your intention); grant what I ask and may I always trust that in all that happens in life, You will be close to me as my Friend, Guide and Saviour. And so, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

Day 1 - Love of God.

GOD’S WORD: I have loved you with an everlasting Love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. (Jer.31:3)

HUMAN WORD: To know I am loved is a desire in all of us, and a Grace when received. The Love of God is the desire of the human heart. It is given, not once for all, but every moment of every day, to you and me just as we are.

PRAYER: Let me, O Lord, know each day, Your Love for me. Help me to share that Love with all I meet this day. Amen

(Jesus is not in our past. He is not in our future either. He is walking with us right here, right now. No wonder past events can hijack us mercilessly. No wonder future events can fill us with dread and anxiety. In those times, we are in occupied territory, alone, unshielded. Right here right now we are safe, secure, walking with Jesus who alone is ‘The way, the truth and the Life’.)

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