Friday, June 11, 2021

Song of the stream.πŸ’¦


What is it saying, that little stream as it goes babbling along. Year in, year out repeating itself with it’s monotonous song. It never gets weary or changes it’s tone, or tries out some other refrain. It just goes on singing the same little phrase, over and over again. And yet it comes fresh to my ears every time. I never grow bored with that theme. All day I could listen and never get tired of hearing the song of the stream.      (Patience Strong)

We would stroll by this babbling brook, Rosie and I and every time I would say: ‘Some day, we will look down and we will be shocked and thrilled to see a big bag of money in the water. I will hold your feet and you will dive down to fetch it’. Rosie every time too, gave the same reply: ‘No dear, I will hold your feet and you will dive down to fetch it’. Always we laughed like every time was the first time........
Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end..............

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