Thursday, June 17, 2021

Marina goes shopping. Hooray 🥳


Marina Sarah’s first venture outdoors in a very long time. Restrictions eased in St. Anne’s Nursing Home and so we were free to go anywhere we wished. Marina chose the Wonderland that is Mr. Price, for the simple pleasure of gazing on all the stuff she neither needs or desires.

Precious privilege for us to be in her sublime company, Marina’s needs undemanding, and yet she is one of the few people I know and love in this world who has it all. Simplicity and contentment the warp and woof of her placid existence.

‘And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament’. (Daniel-12:3) 

‘I enjoy going to town and visiting the stores and the market place and seeing all the things I don’t need or want that I can do without’. (Henry Thoreau)

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