Saturday, June 19, 2021

Vitamin Sea.🎪

“O my God, you and you alone are all wise and all knowing! You know, you have determined everything that will happen to us from first to last. 
You have ordered things in the wisest way, and you know what will be my lot year by year until I die. 
You know how long I have to live. You know how I shall die. You have precisely ordained everything, sin excepted. 
Every event of my life is the best for me that it could be, for it comes from you. 
You bring me on year by year, by your wonderful providence, from youth to age, with the most perfect wisdom and with the most perfect love.”   (St. John Henry Newman)

First swim of 2021 today in the broad Atlantic, Ruairi and me. Fresh and blustery. Exhilarating. How Great is our God. 

Afterwards, much needed hottest tea and scones in Barbara’s cozy beach cafe, Tricia, Ruairi and me. Alfresco delights, unforgettable day.
                                                    I love stones......they intrigue me. 💎

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