Friday, July 30, 2021

No place for fear. Jesus is here.🌺

‘No place for fear. Jesus is here’.

I awoke in the early hours with the above heartwarming wisdom on my lips and heart. Groggy, half asleep, I scribbled it on the notepad on my nightstand. This is how it comes to pass every time, Divine postcards gently released into the letterbox of my heart in the stillness of the night begetting peace and tranquillity.

That which we receive is not meant for us alone, it must be passed on, wisdom from above must always be shared with others. Freely we receive, freely we give. 

Jesus is the antidote to fear. In today’s worrisome world, where fear is rife, Beautiful Holy Spirit is letting us know that Jesus is with us every step of the way and where Jesus is, fear cannot be. Jesus and fear can never exist simultaneously in the human heart. 

Best news ever: ‘No place for fear. Jesus is here’.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’. (Psalm 27:1)

Today 30/7/2022 feeling fearful for no apparent reason, the words: ‘No place for fear. Jesus is here’ danced into my deepest heart.  I looked back through my blogs to see when had I received those beautiful words from Holy Spirit. Beautiful confirmation when I realised it was exactly one year ago today. Our God is a God of beautiful surprises.πŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Phil. ❤️

She was dragging a cumbersome shopping trolley, packed to capacity with tins of cat food for her resident and visiting feline friends, the very first time we met. From that day forward, the supermarket would deliver to her place. Phil would carry heavy bags no more.

Pain and suffering were no strangers in the landscape of Phil’s life but her final two years were happy and cozy, at long last she was loved and appreciated. When I visited her, she would tell me stories of her life without a shred of self-pity, she trusted me. She prayed a lot and she cried a lot, Phil felt things deeply. In our time of Prayer, nothing was omitted, her beloved cats’ ailments were every bit as crucial as her own, all of life was precious to Phil. 

I learned a lot from her, many fine lessons, probably the most crucial of all on the day of her Funeral. I didn’t go with Phil’s family for a meal after her Funeral Holy Mass, instead I cycled to the beach. As I gazed on the broad Atlantic, my heart heavy, Phil’s final lesson wafted into my deepest heart; ‘The only way to die well is to live well’. Gentle monumental words falling softly into my deepest heart, lodging there for evermore. Phil lived and died with courage, acceptance and gentleness, she lived well and she died well. 

She had a wonderful sense of humour, like the time she told me that her brother was praying for rain because he was wondering if the windscreen wipers in his car were in good working order. When she laughed, her beautiful face shone, her whole countenance radiant like a thousand suns.

I asked a gentleman if he would take the above photo of us both as we sat happily in St. Anne’s Dayroom, little realising that very soon Phil would be taking her leave of this world. How glad I am now, that I asked. A few days later, as I prayed Holy Rosary at her bedside, she slept serenely without a care. Never was I present at such a peace filled passing as Phil’s. She glided seamlessly into Eternal Life, light as a feather.

I miss you Phil but I know and believe without question or doubt that you and I will meet again one fine day on that beautiful shore in Heaven’s bright city. Love never dies. Thank you for gracing my life with your sweetest presence. Because of you I know who God is. 

‘Moses was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with The Lord’. (Exodus 34:29)

‘Do something beautiful for God. Do it with your life. Do it every day. Do it your own way - but do it’. (Saint Mother Teresa)

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Let it go.πŸ‘£πŸ‘£

‘Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favourable light at all times and under all circumstances’. (St. Vincent de Paul)

Last evening I told one of my sons that right now I am having a tough time thinking charitable thoughts about a certain person who is being really nasty. Mostly I can quite effortlessly ignore but this new dirty deed feels like the final straw. ENOUGH already! 

Then, first thing this morning I read the above quote from St. Vincent de Paul. Couldn’t have come at a better time, God is never late and He’s never early. His timing always perfect. Light bulb transfixing moment of Divine wisdom, penetrating  the darkness in my heart, dispelling the hovering ink black cloud, causing me to rethink, relax and relinquish.

Thank you Beautiful Holy Spirit for shifting my gaze and lifting me up out of my dark musty corner of self-pity and misery. Pity parties are no fun🀨 Your way is always the best way, Your wonderful freedom is beyond words. 

Holding a grudge is heavy work, tiring and debilitating. Might as well be carrying a sack of coal on my back and a bale of briquettes on each foot. Now who in their right mind would voluntarily sign up for thatπŸ˜† 

‘Joy safeguards your energy. Being resentful and angry makes you tired. Don’t ever give a whole day being angry at someone else’s bad behaviour. No one is worth that!!’. (Chris Stefanick)

This morning, one day later, I awaken from my slumber with the words from that ancient beautiful  hymn, ‘His eye is on the sparrow’, wafting from my deepest heart. I had no idea until I looked it up right now that that splendid hymn is inspired by the words of Psalm 32 - Verse 8; ‘I will instruct you an teach you on the way you should go’. Another  Divine sublime confirmation from Holy Spirit. (See Blog ‘My Holy Spirit Psalm - March 7th, 2020).  

‘When Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me’.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Porridge moments.πŸͺ…

When we offer a prayer at Mother Mary’s statue, we are not adoring our Blessed Mother Mary, Adoration is reserved for God alone. We are not honouring a statue either, we are simply and prayerfully acknowledging that Mother Mary is our Beautiful Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth. She gave us Jesus on that first Christmas night. Jesus gave His beautiful Mother Mary to be our Mother too in Calvary on Good Friday. 

‘When Jesus saw His Mother, and the disciples whom He loved, standing near, He said to His Mother, “Woman behold your son”. Then He said to the disciple, “Son, behold your Mother”. From that hour the disciple took Her to his own home’.  (John 19:26-27)

If this little grotto was in Knock, Lourdes, Medugorje or any other Marian Shrine, not a single person would pass by without standing for a moment or two and offering a prayer. However, in our town where it stands in McCarthy’s garden for all to see, it goes unnoticed almost always. Folk hurry past without giving it a second thought, embarrassed for fear of others’ judgement of them, no doubt. Habit too, familiarity breathes apathy.

Today as I paused for prayer, Tom and Fiona were returning to their place of work next door. As we exchanged pleasantries I asked if they would like to join me in a Hail Mary. Surprised, and not a little amused, but being the good folk they are, they stood with me. I prayed Hail Mary, they answered, we made the sign of the Cross. 

Beautiful moment not just for me, them too. They were pleasantly surprised, I could tell. I call these gems from God, ‘Porridge moments’ - slow release Grace from above, time will tell.

Hard to articulate how happy I felt as Tom, Fiona and I took leave of each other. Prayer is beautiful.

‘Be brave. Give what little you have - your talents, your possessions. Make them available to Jesus and to your brothers and sisters. Believe in Love and in the power of service. May the Virgin Mary who answered ‘Yes’ to God’s unprecedented proposal help us to open our hearts to the Lord’s invitations and to the needs of others’. (Pope Frances)

‘Latria’ - Supreme worship allowed for God alone. ‘Hiperdulia’ - Veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Holiest of creatures. ‘Protodulia’ - St. Joseph - among the Saints, He is given the first place.  ‘Dulia’ - the reverence accorded to Saints and Angels.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Surprised by Joy.πŸ˜€


Magnificent mountain is gone, disappeared beneath a blanket of heavy mist, her captivating beauty silenced. Clouds low and heavily charged. Contrastingly, the iron bridge, which mostly goes unnoticed is standing out, clear as crystal, winning everyone’s recognition. On days like this, it is all about the bridge, reminding me of the proverb from Shakespeare’s Hamlet; ‘Every dog has it’s day’.

As I strolled along, a pleasant young lady and her son came by. As we chatted, I asked her son’s name. ‘This is πŸ§‘‍🦱 and he has autism’, Mom replied, smiling broadly. She could have been telling me; ‘This is my son and he just won a gold medal in the Olympics’, her joy and happy demeanour shining forth like a thousand suns. ‘Yes indeed we have been through many extremely difficult times but the good times far outweigh all that’, she added cheerfully. 

Sublime Divine encounter, unexpected gift to me on the day my mountain absconded. Reminding me that our joie de vivre is not dependent on our circumstances, not ever. Oftentimes, our greatest crosses turn out to be our greatest Blessings when we let go and let God. Joy and sorrow can exist simultaneously in the human heart. Everlasting Joy is the byproduct of a life given away.

Almost home again and the cutest little kitten came bounding along, stopping me in my tracks. He had all the time in the world and so did I. Thing is, I only went to the park to see if magnificent mountain was still missing and in the process I got so much more than I asked for. That’s Life. 

As I journey on, it is becoming more and more evident to me that nothing is ordinary in this glorious gift of Life. In fact every single moment is quite extraordinary. Open the eyes of our hearts, Dear Lord.

‘From the moment I renounced self-seeking forever, I have lived the happiest life imaginable’.                     (The Little Flower/St.Therese of Lisieux)

This evening, majestic mountain is back, lowly bridge is in the shadows once more. Nothing stays the same for long and nothing happens by happenstance. When I deeply realise that All is gift from our loving Father God who is all good and all powerful, then my whole life becomes gratitude. In all things, at all times, let us give thanks to God, it is good for our souls.

.....and I think to myself; What a wonderful world. (Louis Armstrong)

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


First meal indoors with friends in a very long time. All of us vaccinated. So good to be able to sit and chat in safety and freedom once more. Dee and Julie cooked delectable bacon and cabbage. Mary’s delicious apple crumble and custard - ice cream too - for desert. Love is the only thing that can never be extinguished from the face of this earth. How Great is our God.

‘Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices.’ Amen.                          (St. Teresa of Avila)

                 Since hand shakes are still not encouraged, Jack and I did the next best thing......πŸ˜€

                                                 Socialising is such a tiring business .....πŸ•πŸ•

Thursday, July 8, 2021

God be with you.πŸ™πŸ»

‘Fill us with Your Love every morning. Then we will sing and rejoice all our lives’. (Psalm 90:14)

Holiday with Nan have drawn to a close. Our hearts are sad but full of gratitude to God for His most wonderful Graces and Blessings, far too numerous to count. ‘Goodbye’ is an abbreviation for ‘God be with you’, my girls inform me, they learned it in school. All of a sudden our ‘Goodbye’ had a ring to it, our parting a little less painful. 

My girleens have lots of loving and living to do, much to learn from their parents, much to teach them too. Nan’s cozy corner is always here, ready and waiting, morning noon and night, for our next awesome adventure. How Great is our God.                                            
                                      Aoife and Nan selfieπŸ™πŸ»❤️   

                                                                                Saoirse and Nan selfieπŸ™πŸ»❤️
Jim is looking forward too to the girleen’s welcome return. Eating alone is just not the same........😌

                                                                 Kitty is sad too.....😌


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Take my hand.❤️


‘I love these little people; and it’s not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us’.              (Charles Dickens)

Bank’s ice-cream with Dad. Cillian’s second visit to Nan’s. I want to stand and stare at him all day long....

Holiday happiness.🌠

‘We’re only here for. little while. We’re only passing by. Time has wings and quickly do the golden moments fly. So do not waste a single minute of the precious days. There is something to be gathered out of every phase’. (Patience Strong)

History repeating itself....Diarmuid and Killian’s bunks are for Saoirse and Aoife now too....

Walking in the South Kerry renowned rain....

                                                Girleens slept late again.....

                             ‘Two hours with Nan is barely any time at all’. (Aoife-7/7/21)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Picasso the oragutang.πŸ’

First catch-up in a very long time. Marina got emotional, barely recognising Saoirse and Aoife, they had grown so much. Hard to articulate how it felt, just being part of something so beautiful.

Yesterday we browsed in Mr. Price for Marina’s gift. Finally there he was before our eyes, the last one - Picasso the orangutang. Why Picasso? On our way we stopped to chat with Kevin who was painting his wall and he told us all about Picasso’s painting - ‘Gurnico’. Obviously Marina’s orangutang should be called Picasso so.πŸ˜ƒ

The girls could not stop talking about lovely Marina all evening. Their little generous hearts were moved in a most glorious way. On the way home they both said; ‘That was better than the biggest party ever’. Real beauty has a ring to it.

‘I did not have to ask my heart what it wanted, because of all the desires I have ever known, just one did I cling to for it was the essence of all desire: to know Beauty’. (St. John of the Cross)

                                                                    Saoirse walking slow.......

                                                                   Aoife relaxing....

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Nan’s delight.πŸ’₯

‘Magnums or not, I’m going to Mass, Nan, because I will be receiving Jesus’, Aoife’s super-prudent words to me this morning. When Holy Mass was over, we enjoyed our traditional magnums in the Shebeen door in the rain. There must be rain πŸŒ‚ for conditions to be perfect, we are doing this every year since they were very little and always there is rain. 

As we crouched down for a selfie, Tony opened the door from inside and we almost fell in the door of the pubπŸ₯³πŸ˜‚. Laughter go leor. Tony took our photograph. Much better option. Awesome God.

‘You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing’.                       (George Bernard Shaw)

Wonderful surprise visit with Grand-auntie Josie on our way home. We are family❤️
Grand-auntie Agnes and John dropped by to our sheer delight. When Saoirse was a baby, eleven years ago, Agnes gave her a beautiful cuddly teddy bear. Saoirse named her favourite teddy of all time, ‘Susan’ and forever more Grand-auntie Agnes will be fondly known as Susan’s mother. πŸ˜ƒ❤️