Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Let it go.๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

‘Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favourable light at all times and under all circumstances’. (St. Vincent de Paul)

Last evening I told one of my sons that right now I am having a tough time thinking charitable thoughts about a certain person who is being really nasty. Mostly I can quite effortlessly ignore but this new dirty deed feels like the final straw. ENOUGH already! 

Then, first thing this morning I read the above quote from St. Vincent de Paul. Couldn’t have come at a better time, God is never late and He’s never early. His timing always perfect. Light bulb transfixing moment of Divine wisdom, penetrating  the darkness in my heart, dispelling the hovering ink black cloud, causing me to rethink, relax and relinquish.

Thank you Beautiful Holy Spirit for shifting my gaze and lifting me up out of my dark musty corner of self-pity and misery. Pity parties are no fun๐Ÿคจ Your way is always the best way, Your wonderful freedom is beyond words. 

Holding a grudge is heavy work, tiring and debilitating. Might as well be carrying a sack of coal on my back and a bale of briquettes on each foot. Now who in their right mind would voluntarily sign up for that๐Ÿ˜† 

‘Joy safeguards your energy. Being resentful and angry makes you tired. Don’t ever give a whole day being angry at someone else’s bad behaviour. No one is worth that!!’. (Chris Stefanick)

This morning, one day later, I awaken from my slumber with the words from that ancient beautiful  hymn, ‘His eye is on the sparrow’, wafting from my deepest heart. I had no idea until I looked it up right now that that splendid hymn is inspired by the words of Psalm 32 - Verse 8; ‘I will instruct you an teach you on the way you should go’. Another  Divine sublime confirmation from Holy Spirit. (See Blog ‘My Holy Spirit Psalm - March 7th, 2020).  

‘When Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me’.

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