Thursday, July 15, 2021

Surprised by Joy.😀


Magnificent mountain is gone, disappeared beneath a blanket of heavy mist, her captivating beauty silenced. Clouds low and heavily charged. Contrastingly, the iron bridge, which mostly goes unnoticed is standing out, clear as crystal, winning everyone’s recognition. On days like this, it is all about the bridge, reminding me of the proverb from Shakespeare’s Hamlet; ‘Every dog has it’s day’.

As I strolled along, a pleasant young lady and her son came by. As we chatted, I asked her son’s name. ‘This is 🧑‍🦱 and he has autism’, Mom replied, smiling broadly. She could have been telling me; ‘This is my son and he just won a gold medal in the Olympics’, her joy and happy demeanour shining forth like a thousand suns. ‘Yes indeed we have been through many extremely difficult times but the good times far outweigh all that’, she added cheerfully. 

Sublime Divine encounter, unexpected gift to me on the day my mountain absconded. Reminding me that our joie de vivre is not dependent on our circumstances, not ever. Oftentimes, our greatest crosses turn out to be our greatest Blessings when we let go and let God. Joy and sorrow can exist simultaneously in the human heart. Everlasting Joy is the byproduct of a life given away.

Almost home again and the cutest little kitten came bounding along, stopping me in my tracks. He had all the time in the world and so did I. Thing is, I only went to the park to see if magnificent mountain was still missing and in the process I got so much more than I asked for. That’s Life. 

As I journey on, it is becoming more and more evident to me that nothing is ordinary in this glorious gift of Life. In fact every single moment is quite extraordinary. Open the eyes of our hearts, Dear Lord.

‘From the moment I renounced self-seeking forever, I have lived the happiest life imaginable’.                     (The Little Flower/St.Therese of Lisieux)

This evening, majestic mountain is back, lowly bridge is in the shadows once more. Nothing stays the same for long and nothing happens by happenstance. When I deeply realise that All is gift from our loving Father God who is all good and all powerful, then my whole life becomes gratitude. In all things, at all times, let us give thanks to God, it is good for our souls.

.....and I think to myself; What a wonderful world. (Louis Armstrong)

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