Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Picasso the oragutang.🐒

First catch-up in a very long time. Marina got emotional, barely recognising Saoirse and Aoife, they had grown so much. Hard to articulate how it felt, just being part of something so beautiful.

Yesterday we browsed in Mr. Price for Marina’s gift. Finally there he was before our eyes, the last one - Picasso the orangutang. Why Picasso? On our way we stopped to chat with Kevin who was painting his wall and he told us all about Picasso’s painting - ‘Gurnico’. Obviously Marina’s orangutang should be called Picasso so.😃

The girls could not stop talking about lovely Marina all evening. Their little generous hearts were moved in a most glorious way. On the way home they both said; ‘That was better than the biggest party ever’. Real beauty has a ring to it.

‘I did not have to ask my heart what it wanted, because of all the desires I have ever known, just one did I cling to for it was the essence of all desire: to know Beauty’. (St. John of the Cross)

                                                                    Saoirse walking slow.......

                                                                   Aoife relaxing....

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