Saturday, July 17, 2021

Porridge moments.πŸͺ…

When we offer a prayer at Mother Mary’s statue, we are not adoring our Blessed Mother Mary, Adoration is reserved for God alone. We are not honouring a statue either, we are simply and prayerfully acknowledging that Mother Mary is our Beautiful Mother, Queen of Heaven and earth. She gave us Jesus on that first Christmas night. Jesus gave His beautiful Mother Mary to be our Mother too in Calvary on Good Friday. 

‘When Jesus saw His Mother, and the disciples whom He loved, standing near, He said to His Mother, “Woman behold your son”. Then He said to the disciple, “Son, behold your Mother”. From that hour the disciple took Her to his own home’.  (John 19:26-27)

If this little grotto was in Knock, Lourdes, Medugorje or any other Marian Shrine, not a single person would pass by without standing for a moment or two and offering a prayer. However, in our town where it stands in McCarthy’s garden for all to see, it goes unnoticed almost always. Folk hurry past without giving it a second thought, embarrassed for fear of others’ judgement of them, no doubt. Habit too, familiarity breathes apathy.

Today as I paused for prayer, Tom and Fiona were returning to their place of work next door. As we exchanged pleasantries I asked if they would like to join me in a Hail Mary. Surprised, and not a little amused, but being the good folk they are, they stood with me. I prayed Hail Mary, they answered, we made the sign of the Cross. 

Beautiful moment not just for me, them too. They were pleasantly surprised, I could tell. I call these gems from God, ‘Porridge moments’ - slow release Grace from above, time will tell.

Hard to articulate how happy I felt as Tom, Fiona and I took leave of each other. Prayer is beautiful.

‘Be brave. Give what little you have - your talents, your possessions. Make them available to Jesus and to your brothers and sisters. Believe in Love and in the power of service. May the Virgin Mary who answered ‘Yes’ to God’s unprecedented proposal help us to open our hearts to the Lord’s invitations and to the needs of others’. (Pope Frances)

‘Latria’ - Supreme worship allowed for God alone. ‘Hiperdulia’ - Veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Holiest of creatures. ‘Protodulia’ - St. Joseph - among the Saints, He is given the first place.  ‘Dulia’ - the reverence accorded to Saints and Angels.

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