Thursday, August 26, 2021


Our first ever visit to Paulina in Ashbourne House Integration Centre, today. Paulina and I met up in Killarney on a number of occasions since she and her friends departed our town last August, but I oftentimes would wonder what her new abode looked like. Now, I am over the moon to have seen for myself that Paulina resides in a really pleasant place, tranquil and just a short train journey from Cork city. 

For sure she has a deep longing in her heart to see her family and her homeland, she gets painfully lonesome sometimes, but overall, Paulina is content and just like I am, she is extremely grateful to God for myriad Blessings in her life.

Not in the least expecting us, she was flabbergasted when I rang her phone to let her know that we were waiting outside, and so our rendezvous was both exciting and enjoyable. 

Pleasant surprises are heartwarming and food for the soul. Even now, hours later, my heart is as light as a feather. Paulina too, she rang tonight to tell me again how much she enjoyed our wonderful meeting. 

Moments such as this, really are diamonds from Gods Holy Hands. Grace-filled Gifts from on High, scattering sunshine on all involved.

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