Friday, August 27, 2021

Sunshiny Day.☀️


Harry sat on the rickety bench, head bent forward gazing on the sidewalk beneath his white, well worn runners. Lost in his own universe he dragged on his cigarette like all of life depended on it. No comfort to be gleaned from that broken-down bench, I guess folk such as Harry pay little heed to pain barriers.

I offered him my prayer, he accepted gratefully and joyfully. ‘People refuse sometimes’, I told him. Harry, looking very serious forgetting about his cigarette for a moment, replied: ‘People are ignorant. They are ignorant of God and Jesus and it is just not right. I have many Rosary Beads and I pray Holy Rosary lots of times every day’. With that, he turned back to his beloved cigarette, our conversation obviously over. 

I would have loved to stop for a while, but folk such as Harry, spare of speech, are in no need of company. They are self-sufficient, life has rendered them so. Let us pray for each other, Harry’, I added. ‘Yes Bridget’, Harry replied smiling. 

As I entered Church grounds, Nan and Riain stopped to chat. ‘May I give Riain one of my prayers’, I asked Nan. ‘Of course you may, Riain would love a prayer’, she replied. ‘Riain is non-verbal’, Nan told me, happily accepting my prayer for Riain. ‘O Riain’, I implored, “I am far too verbal. I would really love to use less words. Would you pray for me please’? The words flowed from my mouth as if from another and not me. Beautiful Rain, smiling sweetly, waved his hands about and then for a split second he pressed his two palms together as if in Prayer.🙏🏻 Rooted to the spot, in the core of my being I knew I was standing in exalted company yet again. Goosebumps. Wherever God is, His Grace abounds.

After all that, Holy Eucharist in this most beautiful Church. What a morning and still the day is young, not even mid-day yet. What a Mighty God we serve. 

                                                My prayer - I love to say and I love to share.🙏🏻

‘Silence is so powerful a language that it reaches to the throne of the living God. Silence is His language, though secret, yet living and powerful’. (St. Faustina)

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