Saturday, August 7, 2021

Holiness is Wholeness.🙏🏻

Holy Mass in this exquisite unadorned Church this evening. Holy Mass as it ought to be celebrated always and everywhere, no fanfare, pure unadulterated respect and Holiness.

‘This is the most important part of the Mass when Jesus is coming to our alter to be with us’, the Holy priest told us just before the Consecration. One time, when I was a child, a Priest spoke those selfsame words at Holy Mass but never did I hear them uttered again up and down the long years. Not once until today.

Before he gave us his final Blessing in Persona Christi, Father prayed a beautiful prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saint Micheal the Archangel prayer and St. Anthony too. His prayer was his speaking and his speaking was prayer. I was enraptured and hours later I still am.

Canon Sean is eighty six years old, I was told. His parishioners love him and appreciate him greatly. They know they are Blessed to have him for their shepherd. I hope to attend 8.30 Holy Mass tomorrow morning, God willing. One more time in that Sacred Sacrosanct oasis of Peace would mean more to me than all the tea in China as my dear Mom might say. 

Holiness, the God Life in us, is wholeness and that’s what we all crave, whether we know it or not. It is the deepest desire of all human hearts.

‘I will not forget you. Behold I have graven you on the palms of my hands’. (Isaiah 49:16)

‘You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You’
               (St. Agustine)


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