Friday, April 29, 2022

The Face of God.☀️๐ŸŒน

‘God has given each of us a mission field of our own, an interiorised mission field, which is to be ploughed with charity and harrowed with courage, in order to seed it with the seeds of faith’.               (Catherine Doherty)

I offered my prayer to two young girls in Church this morning. Turns out they were part of a larger group of young people all the way from the Czech Republic. This large group of genial young folk accepted my prayer joyfully, gratefully. One of them told me she was named after The Little Flower - St. Terese. She was thrilled to find a statue of the Little Flower in our Church.

I know and believe without question or doubt that when I pray this beautiful compact prayer every morning then the whole Host of Heaven are holding me close, safe and secure. Sometimes the raging storm will be stilled but more often than not I will be stilled in the storm. This little prayer of mine is full of meaning and promise when prayed devoutly.

My deepest wish for every man, woman and child on earth in this our day and time is to know real peace, the kind this world can never give. It is the sole reason I continue to offer my prayer day in, day out whatever the weather. An American lady today exclaimed as she read my prayer: ‘Thank you Bridget. You did a good thing. I needed this’. An American gentleman later exclaimed: ‘Oh you are definitely all in! You got yourself a laminator’.

Yes indeed, if not me - then who? We glorify God by accomplishing the work He has given us to do. Only in God will we find the truth and happiness that we never stop searching for.

‘’Oh! How easily we could win Heaven day by day just by doing what we have to do - but by doing it for God’. (The Cure D’Ars)

‘Give me to others. There are people I’m waiting to reach only through you. This is the mission forseen for you from all eternity. Don’t be unfaithful. I was faithful even to torment, even to public disgrace’.         (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/ He&I)

Thursday, April 28, 2022

An Allelulia of Joy.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘May you begin each day’s work with the sign of the Cross, under the patronage of Mary and Joseph, and your own patron Saint and Guardian Angel. Offer your work, with its problems, difficulties, joys and pains to the Lord. He has many uses for your offerings in order to restore the world of souls to Himself and let your heart sing an Allelulia of joy’. (Catherine Doherty)

Last night I began packing my case for my trip to see Killian in Vancouver. Daunting task, so many consuming questions. What do I bring? How many pairs? Having a lavish wardrobe is not the issue, certainly not, just that the whole packing thing brings me no joy whatsoever. I even began to ruminate over it when I awoke in the middle of the night. 

Then, this morning on my way to Holy Mass I encountered two Ukrainian ladies dragging their suitcases behind them. At a glance they looked like two young ladies on their way to some far flung sun-soaked destination but the bitter truth told a whole different tale. They were catching the 11.30 bus out of our town to begin their new life in Dublin. 

Spying their compact suitcases I got to thinking! All their belongings lay in those two suitcases. Packing was not a problem for the two Ukrainian ladies, they knew exactly what they were placing in their cases. Grand luxury of picking and choosing denied them in these tumultuous times. 

Needless to mention my packing dilemma disappeared in a puff of smoke. Nothing like a dose of reality to place things in perspective.

Later, Breda’s beautiful words regarding her time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament touched my deepest heart. ‘I was rushing today and so I knelt down for a minute and told Jesus that I would be leaving my cares and burdens in His Hands. I know He will work it all out in His own perfect schedule in His own perfect timing’.

Tanye forwarded me a photo of her son Mischa playing football which was featured in ‘Kerry’s Eye’ today. She is so proud of him and so am I. Not easy at all for a young 16 year old lad from Ukraine to join a football team in deepest Kerry. Totally out of his comfort zone but he did it. Wonderful and amazing.

Lastly I met Olga. She looked happy and really rested. When she arrived in our town a few weeks ago she was tired and crying continuously. Today, in her poor command of the English language (she is now getting lessons) she told me that ‘her husband in a plane ✈️ Ukraine’. Pointing to the sky she signalled that the plane fell to the ground. I was horrified but she was smiling intensely. Eventually, after many attempts, I realised she was telling me that her husband had arrived in Kerry on a plane from Ukraine. I was so relieved and over the moon for Olga. We both laughed and danced on the spot like we had not a care in the world.

Ukraine and Cahersiveen together in one place, in this our day and time. Fact is stranger than fiction, who would have thought in a million years........

‘From the rubble of our hearts - and each one of us knows the rubble of our hearts - God can create a work of art; from the ruined remnants of our humanity, God can prepare a new history. For the Lord always goes ahead of us, He walks before us and with Him life always begins anew’. (Pope Francis)

Olga took some of my prayers and she will distribute them among her friends in Skellig Star Hotel where they reside. She will come back for more and will continue to hand them out until everyone has a prayer. Cahersiveen and Ukraine ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

Monday, April 25, 2022

Light of Christ.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ•ฏ

We cannot bear the weight of Hope without union with Christ’. (Sr. Josephine Garrett)

Our Ukrainian visitors singing in Church, breathtakingly beautiful. One week later than us, they celebrated Easter Sunday. I took a video and Victoria (who resides in Kerry for many years) sent it to her Mom in Ukraine who is depressed and full of anxiety in these terrible times. It brought her comfort and joy. Victoria forwarded it to many displaced friends too now living in Italy. 

The song translated is called: ‘Red Kilanna’. A hugely popular song, it compares Ukraine to a beautiful tree that is blossoming, the way it used to before this evil war was imposed unjustly on Ukraine. Now Ukraine is ravaged and in ruins. The blossoming tree is very sad. My little video made some devastated folk smile for a while. 

As I returned home a lady from Ukraine walking ahead stopped and waited for me smiling broadly. In her broken English she told me that I had been humming ‘Red Kilanna’ loudly as I walked along, I had no idea. We both laughed heartily. Sublime moment of grace. Evil will never have the last word.

I genuinely thought he was joking, the guy who told me today: ‘We should look after our own first’. Shocked and saddened, I said nothing, Afterwards I wished I had the presence of mind in that pivotal moment to reply graciously; ‘Our visitors did not give up on life. They did not decide to stop working and living, intentionally. Everything has been taken from them, they are divested of all choices. Up to us now to share and care with all our hearts’.

Maybe my silence said it all though, perhaps it spoke for itself. St. Francis of Assisi oftentimes counselled: ‘Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary’. If one selfless act of kindness will penetrate the deep darkness then many kind acts will produce a gaping hole, ushering in great shafts of light in this our day and time. 

Keeping that in mind I go forward unafraid.

Jesus tells us : ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life’. (John8:12). 

There is no competition in my mind between helping our own country folk in need and helping our visitors from Ukraine. The most important thing is reaching out to someone, anyone, regardless of nationality. We are all God’s children. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Simple as that.๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Monday, April 18, 2022

Right here, right now. ⏰

‘It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you, He will not fail you or forsake you; do not fear or be dismayed’. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Some years ago I remember telling my son who was filled with trepidation around an upcoming event in his life; ‘If you spend your evening dwelling on past events that went awry, Jesus sadly wants you to know that He can not be with you, you will be on your own, unguarded. Likewise, If you dwell on the future and all the stuff that might go wrong, He cannot be with you there either. However, if you stay in the present moment keeping your eyes on Jesus, He is delighted to tell you that He is with you every step of the way. You will not be alone for one single second’.

Today as I sat in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, feeling lost, in need of spiritual sustenance, wise words delivered to my son back then unfolded in my deepest heart, like softest shower of snow, catapulting me out of my gloomy pit. 

I don’t know if my words of wisdom helped my son back then (perhaps like me they will show up again one day when he is ready to receive them), but today they changed everything for me. I share them freely hoping they bring peace and calm to another in their hour of need. Useless living in the past, no point peering into the future either. Only the present moment safe territory, God’s own country.

 I will definitely do my utmost henceforward to be present to ‘what is’, right here, right now. When my mind begins to wander aimlessly for it surely will, I know what I must do: ‘Keep my eyes upon Jesus. Look full on His beautiful Face’. (Hymn)

‘This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it’. (Psalm 118:24)

One memory renews another. A lady who’s young son died suddenly told me many years ago; ‘When the funeral was over and everyone gone home, I sat immersed in my grief wondering how I might live out every single day for the rest of my life. What if I live another thirty years? How will I carry on! 
Then, out of the blue wonderful realisation dawned☀️ I  only have to live one day at a time, I must just get through one day. That is manageable, I can do that. God will take care of all the other days’. 

I sat with her five years ago when I was visiting her city and she told me: ‘Yes indeed, God looks after all my days as He promised He would, I inhabit one day only.’.☀️  ๐Ÿ“ฟ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

God’s ways are not our ways.๐Ÿ•Š

‘Lord, make me like crystal, that Your light might shine through me’. (Katherine Mansfield)

On way to Holy Mass Cliff stopped me in my tracks leting me know about something amazing and wonderful that had transpired in his world just a few days ago. Beaming like I hadn’t seen him in a very long time, I was sure I was about to be gifted riveting conversion tale. Instead he blurted out: ‘I invested in Bitcoin and I made myself quite a bit of money’. ‘Super news’, I replied ‘but don’t forget to share’. ‘I will share’, he replied, thrilled to bits with himself as he skipped merrily away.

Of course I was happy for him, Cliff has weathered many storms and witnessing his joyful demeanour lifted my spirits no end. Riveting conversion tale will come in it’s own time.๐ŸŽถ

In Church young girl setting up to sing at Holy Mass accepted my prayer. Later I learned that Holy Mass this morning was being offered for her uncle who died tragically. She loved her uncle very much, he was looking out for her this morning. God rest his gentle soul. 

Elderly lady lighting holy candles in Church accepted my prayer. ‘My name is Bridget’, I said. ‘My name is Bridget too’, she replied and spontaneously hugging me added: ‘Thank you so much. This is meant to be’.

So many young and not so young, happy grateful recipients from many different locations accepted my prayer today but here’s the thing. Last night I decided to stop handing them out for a while, take a break from prayer-sharing. Happy with my definite decision to defer, I drifted off to sleep. 

About to walk out my door this morning, Holy Spirit prompted me as always to have some prayers in my pocket. I obeyed of course, but I did not expect to use them. After all, did we not both agree last night, Holy Spirit and I, to call a halt to my prayer-sharing for now....

Wonderful Holy Spirit. He waits patiently every time while I fabricate my own elaborate plans and schemes for my life, He lets me have my own way. Then ever so gently, seamlessly silently He talks me around to His perfect plan for my life. Without fail the end result is not only far superior to my own scheming, it brings with it genuine peace of mind and contentment too. 

‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts’.       (Isiah 55:8-9)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Every problem is a ‘PRAYER’ problem๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘My whole strength lies in prayer. Prayer enkindles the fires of love in the heart. Prayer brings joy to the soul. Prayer moves hearts far better than words ever can. I know it by experience’. (The little flower)

Elderly gentleman asked if I would sing ‘Lay your hands gently upon us’ at Holy Mass this morning.  ‘There is a world of sickness around the place’, he shared anxiously. 

Yes indeed, countless struggling folk in our town right now. Ukrainian visitors too, horrors of war vividly displayed on their somber grief stricken faces. Feeling helpless, easy to be downcast and dejected but I will continue to look up in Hope. Instead of looking down in despair I turn to prayer. The darkness is not meant to defeat me, it is meant to develop me. We are to be warriors of light in this our day and time. 

Prayer and intercession are the ways we deal with terrible times. Every problem is a ‘PRAYER’ problem.

Prayer is to the soul what rain is to the soil, prayer is where God’s heart meets my heart. Without prayer our souls dehydrate and die. We don’t know what God knows. Our prayer is our pathway to grace and peace. 

We can trust God’s Hand even if we do not understand His plan. ‘It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness’. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Holy Mass every morning. Receiving Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Eucharist. Adoration of most Holy Sacrament one hour every morning too. Strength extraordinaire for life’s journey, radiation therapy. 

When I give God one hour He looks after the other twenty three hours. My Holy Rosary - ‘Contemplating the Face of Christ at the school of Mary’. (St. Pope John Paul)

I love Corrie Ten Boom’s joyful words:

‘Jesus presence is always with you. No need to be anxious or fret. Our wonderful Lord is there all the time. He has never forsaken us yet’.Amen

This evening I learn that my dear first cousin Mary passed away suddenly earlier today. I am so sad. Thank you Father God for holding us in the palm of Your hand all the time. We would be lost without You. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️

‘Do not forget prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage’. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

‘Pray Hope and don’t worry. Anxiety will not help at all. Prayer is the key that opens the heart of God. Trust in the infinite goodness of God’. (St. Pio)

‘It is more important to pray than it is to breathe’. (St. Gregory of Nyssa)
‘To abandon prayer is to invite spiritual suffocation’. (Fr. Sebastian White)

Next morning after Holy Mass the elderly gentleman gifted me ‘After Eight’ chocolates for singing ‘Lay Your hands gently upon us’. Pleasantly surprised, I told him the privilege was all mine and he simply said: ‘You did me a favour girleen’. Sometimes the smallest thing can make the world of difference in somebody’s life. 

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Unruly Ukraine to soundless White strand๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช☀️

‘Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom. Lead Thou me on. The night is dark and I am far from home. Lead Thou me on. Keep Thou my feet, I do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me’.  (St. John Henry Newman)

‘When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away your ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer’. (Corrie ten Boom)

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Marvellous day.๐Ÿ™Œ

                             ‘What marvels the Lord did for us. Indeed we were glad’ ( Psalm 126:3)

I awoke in the early hours, above Bible verse in my heart and on my lips. As always, barely awake, I scribbled it on the pad on my nightstand. I know from past experience that if I don’t record my nocturnal wisdom right away, it will not be recouped later. Gone like the wind.

At Holy Mass I got to sing ‘Amazing Grace’ with eighteen school children. Incredibly beautiful. After Holy Mass I got to share with a gentleman how it was that I came to love praying with Holy Scripture. I began by reading one Psalm and one chapter of Matthew’s Gospel every day. Not too much to digest all at once. My gentleman friend will begin to do likewise today.

I encountered again two very sad Ukraine ladies who joined me for 3PM Holy Rosary yesterday. I suggested to them then, via Google Translate that in Holy Mass God puts peace in our hearts. Today they seemed more relaxed as they sat in Church having attended Holy Mass.

A young man with many problems accepted my prayer, read it aloud and said: ‘This is nice. May I keep it?’. Big surprise !! The pretty young girl setting up to sing at the upcoming wedding was delighted to receive my prayer too.

On the street I encountered a worried Mom who accepted my prayer for her young son. He is carrying a heavy cross on his young frail shoulders right now. ‘I’m glad we met’, she whispered.

Later during live-streamed 3PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy, a young man with his two young children came and sat in a pew. Afterwards as he accepted my prayer, I asked if I might offer a prayer for his wife too. ‘My wife passed away’, the young man replied. ‘You know sorrow too’, I said. ‘Just a bit’, he replied on the verge of tears. I told him that having walked my own journey of pain and sorrow, I now desire with all my heart to help another, lighten their load, hence my prayer-sharing. 

As I locked the heavy Church doors this evening two little girls came running in. ‘Is there a second Mass happening tomorrow ’, one little girl asked. I told them about our twelve hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for peace in Ukraine. ‘You sang at Mass this morning’, the little girl said. ‘Yes’, I replied - ‘and I remember giving you my prayer once. Do you say it’? She beamed with delight: ‘I say it every single day. I keep it under my pillow’.

Many of our Ukrainian visitors have accepted  my prayer. Somebody said one time: ‘If God can use a donkey, He can surely use me’. 

‘We are living out the joy of walking with Jesus, of being with Him, of carrying His Cross with love, with a spirit that is always young. We have no right to keep caressing our soul, to stay locked up in our own little tiny bubble’. (Pope Francis)

Wonderful visit with my dear Marina today too.❤️

Sad Ukrainian lady took my Rosary beads in her cupped hands and said: ‘Ukraine colours. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Thankful Jim.๐Ÿˆ 

“Keep in God’s way; keep pace with every hour; Hurt none; do all the good that’s in your power. Hours can’t look back at all; they’ll stay for none; Tread sure, keep up with them, and all’s your own”.
 (Francis Pastorius)

The first time ever I saw your face☀️ Marina meets Daithi for the first time. (21/4/2022)

Monday, April 4, 2022

Help me hear You, Lord.☀️

‘If you are afraid of other people’s opinion, you should not have become a Christian’. (St. John Vianney)

This morning, as we knelt in adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament in our Church, four people stood talking and laughing loudly at the foot of Holy Alter. Assuming they did not realise Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament was taking place I silently pointed to Holy Alter, kindly making them aware. However, one of the ladies, extremely irked at being disturbed shouted irately:  ‘Oh just go away’. 

Being screamed at always unnerves me and so I began to lay it all out at Jesus feet, my discomfort  at at that moment. Smiling gently His beautiful reply touched down softly in my deepest heart: ‘When Veronica wiped my face the raucous crowd were laughing and shouting too but she went right ahead courageously in the face of danger and wiped my Face anyway’.

 Wow! What a revelation! I would compliment and thank Saint Veronica on her courage and kindness to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in His hour of need every time I pray Stations of the Cross, but not until that momentous moment did I perceive any relevance to my own life.  

‘This is His gracious way with us: He gives, not all at once, but by measure and season, wisely’.                 (St. John Henry Newman)

In the twinkling of an eye all fear slithered away, in it’s place pure unadulterated peace. Do good anyway, Saint Mother Teresa would repeat over and over. Do the next right thing!!

I am reminded of sage words Holy Spirit entrusted to me quite a while ago: ‘How can I give you more courage when you do not use the courage in your heart’. In my retrospective gaze, He was making it quite clear to me that the more courageous I am at any given time then the more courage I will possess in my heart.

Saint Veronica please pray for me. 

Wonderful rendezvous with my nephew Donal, wife Victoria and their two precious children, Sebastian and Ciaran as I skipped lightly from Church.

When my friend Tanye returns to her Ukraine homeland please God, she will wear this beautiful scarf (gifted to her by my sister Chris) every time she attends Holy Mass. In Ukraine no lady would ever dream of attending Holy Mass without head covering, such is their 

The candle and the cat. ๐Ÿ•ฏ ๐Ÿˆ 

‘Start being brave about everything. Drive out darkness and spread light. Don’t look at your weaknesses. Realise instead that in Christ crucified you can do everything’. (St. Catherine of Siena)