Friday, April 29, 2022

The Face of God.☀️๐ŸŒน

‘God has given each of us a mission field of our own, an interiorised mission field, which is to be ploughed with charity and harrowed with courage, in order to seed it with the seeds of faith’.               (Catherine Doherty)

I offered my prayer to two young girls in Church this morning. Turns out they were part of a larger group of young people all the way from the Czech Republic. This large group of genial young folk accepted my prayer joyfully, gratefully. One of them told me she was named after The Little Flower - St. Terese. She was thrilled to find a statue of the Little Flower in our Church.

I know and believe without question or doubt that when I pray this beautiful compact prayer every morning then the whole Host of Heaven are holding me close, safe and secure. Sometimes the raging storm will be stilled but more often than not I will be stilled in the storm. This little prayer of mine is full of meaning and promise when prayed devoutly.

My deepest wish for every man, woman and child on earth in this our day and time is to know real peace, the kind this world can never give. It is the sole reason I continue to offer my prayer day in, day out whatever the weather. An American lady today exclaimed as she read my prayer: ‘Thank you Bridget. You did a good thing. I needed this’. An American gentleman later exclaimed: ‘Oh you are definitely all in! You got yourself a laminator’.

Yes indeed, if not me - then who? We glorify God by accomplishing the work He has given us to do. Only in God will we find the truth and happiness that we never stop searching for.

‘’Oh! How easily we could win Heaven day by day just by doing what we have to do - but by doing it for God’. (The Cure D’Ars)

‘Give me to others. There are people I’m waiting to reach only through you. This is the mission forseen for you from all eternity. Don’t be unfaithful. I was faithful even to torment, even to public disgrace’.         (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/ He&I)

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