Monday, May 2, 2022


‘We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness’. (St. Catherine of Genoa)

I’m on my way now’, the irritated lady replied to my prayer offering this morning, as she dashed away, her little dog in tow. Ouch! Unpleasant rebuffs always pinch but on this occasion, almost instantly the following Bible verse danced into my heart: ‘And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town’. (Matthew 10:14). Wow! Wonderful Holy Spirit rushing to my aid, filling my heart with calm.

Beautiful Holy Mass. My sublime privilege to sing the entrance and recessional hymns. ‘To do your will is my desire’ and ‘The love I have for You my God’. Holy Mass is 100% without my singing, I know I am truly blessed to be allowed participate.

Quick dash to Centra Store on my way home and the first person I encounter is a former school pal. I know her husband is dealing with serious illness at this time and she readily accepted my prayers for them both. We hadn’t met for the longest time, definitely meant to be...

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this evening. One whole hour sitting at the Feet of Jesus, telling Him everything - my worries, my sorrows, my hopes. A little slice of Heaven on a day of ups and downs and everything in between. 

‘Let nothing disturb you’, St. Teresa of Avila wrote. Easier said than done, that’s for sure but with God’s amazing Grace, the pinches fade at a faster rate, the good outweighs the bad. 

                    ‘Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

This morning I told a lady who shouted at me unkindly a different time for some misunderstanding not prayer related, about yesterday’s irritated lady. Her reply made me laugh out loud: ‘She’ll get no ‘First Prize’ for that my dear. I did it to you first’. Beauty from ashes!🙌

‘Let us ask the Lord for the grace not to hesitate when the Spirit calls us to take a step forward. Let us ask for the apostolic courage to share the Gospel with others and to stop trying to make our Christian life a museum of memories’. (Pope Francis)

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