Sunday, May 22, 2022

Guardian Angels.πŸ™πŸ»

I didn’t realise I had wandered onto the bicycle lane as I went to read a notice on a shop window. The guy on the bicycle coming towards me did very well to avoid me. MiracleπŸ™πŸ» Definitely our ever-watchful Guardian Angels came to our rescue, no doubt in my mind whatsoever.

Of course that unnerving incident played itself over and over in my mind as I tried to sleep, during the night too in my waking moments, ready and waiting to ambush. Morbidly ruminating.....What if? 🀨 Then just before I awoke this morning a verse from a prayer I heard one time danced into my deepest heart clear as crystal: ‘This day is full of promise and opportunity; let me waste none of it. This day is full of mystery and the unknown; help me to face it without fear or anxiety’. 

Beautiful Holy Spirit soothing my aching spirit. In one fell swoop calm restored.

11AM Holy Mass in the Church of the Guardian Angels. Most appropriate.πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜‡  We chatted with Father Pinto afterwards, his homily inspiring and uplifting.

Jericho beach in the afternoon, Mary’s first swim in the Pacific Ocean. 

Dinner this evening in the Old Spaghetti Factory, Gastown. So many homeless folk everywhere again. Eunice did not look bereft as she sat holding her green cup, well-dressed, hard to tell if she was just enjoying her coffee. I was inspired by the promptings of Holy Spirit to offer her my prayer and her reaction surprised us all. She began to sob and thank me, holding my prayer to her heart. Wonderful Holy Spirit knew Eunice really needed that prayer. 

A guy on crutches badly in need of food accepted gratefully my prayer while Killian ordered him bacon cheddar burger, 2 x fries and a large coke. One of the great medicines of the soul is helping other people.

As I sat and chatted with Jessie on the cold pavement, folks milled by dressed to the nines noticing neither one of us. We admired their pretty shoes. As I listened to Jessie’s story I was suddenly deeply aware that I was sitting apart with Beautiful Jesus. Mine was the best seat in the house, my joy could not be contained.☀️
‘It was here beneath the very feet of the passers-by, in a cellar under the very floor of the world that Jesus Christ was born....’. (G.K. Chesterton)

We walked by Hastings Street where numerous homeless folk dwell together in miserable mayhem. Shocking to the core.πŸ˜ͺ

‘So you are giving to Christ when you give to a needy person - or are you afraid that such a keeper may lose some of what you give, or that such a rich person may not be able to pay you back? God is almighty, Christ is almighty; you can’t possibly lose any of it’. (Saint Augustine)

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