Saturday, May 21, 2022


‘The call to serve the poor is an invitation to happiness’. (Fr. Ho Lung)

Heavenly day strolling around Downtown Vancouver, Killian and I,  splendid sunshine. Amazing buskers, guy putting on display with playing cards conned Killian into holding his coat, elderly Chinese man played the most amazing music on his violin.

Kindly lady at Gastown Clock went out of her way to ensure our photo would be picture-perfect.

Homeless brothers accepted my prayer; Greg, warm and friendly as he lay flat out on his sleeping bag on the pavement, Joe sad and blue, Chris from Ottawa simply said: ‘I believe. I believe’, as he took my prayer. (I gave money to Chris on my first night in Vancouver and wished I had my prayers with me then - today I got a second chance).

Musician with his dog on a rug at his feet nodded as I placed my prayer in his money basket. I love to share my widow’s mite with them too, never my prayer only. God owns everything.

Lyle O’Sullivan stood tall, out on his own. His family came over from Ireland when he was probably two years of age, he told me. They lived in Yukon and Alaska. He accepted my prayer with the words; ‘This is worth more to me than all the money in the world’. As we walked away he raised his hand as if in blessing saying; ‘The best to you and you’, (looking at Killian). Wonderful uplifting encounter.

Vancouver beautiful city, lots to see, much to do but oh so many homeless folk. Too many.😪
            We cooked dinner for Killian and Jonathan. As always, leisurely stroll in the evening.☀️
                                                                  Heron waits patiently.🧐
                                                                 Still smiling.😀😀
                                                                    Best mates.🤝
                                                                    My boy and me.❤️
‘Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting’. 
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)


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