Friday, May 20, 2022

Scenes and Tunes.🎢


Unforgettable road trip back to Vancouver from Whistler today, awesome scenery, catchy tunes. Killian, DJ extraordinaire kept us entertained the whole journey. Johnny Nash’s ‘I can see clearly now’, Elton John and Duai Lipa’s ‘Cold heart’, Dan Fogelberg’s ‘The leader of the band’ , Simon and Garfunkel, Roger Whittaker and countless others. Snow capped mountains standing stately all around, breathtakingly beautiful. No way of articulating such grandeur from Almighty God.

Our firm favourite ’Cold heart’ forever reminding Killian and I of our road trip from Kerry to Cork last Christmas when we visited dear Paulina RIP in Auburn Lodge Refugee Centre. That catchy tune was being played nonstop. On our return journey we spoke of  how content and settled Paulina was in her own place. So hard to believe our dear friend is gone to God. Our final photo together was taken by Killian that day. We had no idea.πŸ₯²
I was really looking forward to visiting a little Church near Alta lake but as we began to walk towards it, Mary fortunately spied a Momma bear and her two Cubs. We dashed back to our car and enjoyed the bears from a safe distance. We sat in awe as the Cubs dashed up the tall trees at the speed of knots. Amazing unexpected experience. Disappointed to miss the beautiful Church but grateful to God for happy ending.

In a shop nearby I found bandana just like the ones my sister Katy and I wore in our days of youth. I don’t think I ever wore a bandana again until today. Happy find! Life is a big circle. πŸ˜€

We dropped by Lost lake located in Whistler and watched a guy walk a tightrope oblivious to all and sundry. Concentrating on the task in hand, inspiring to watch. Lesson in there for all of us - keep our eyes on our own paper. Stay in our own lane.πŸŽ†

Life is a gift more precious than gold, every single second a dazzling diamond from the Holy Hands of Father God.

‘Do not seek to be regarded as somebody, don’t compare yourself to others in anything. Leave the world, mount the cross, discard all earthly things, shake the dust from your feet’. (St. Barsanuphius)

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