Saturday, May 28, 2022

Home sweet Home.πŸŽ†

Many sublime encounters on my first day back home in my own place. Holy Mass, I sang ‘The love I have for You my Lord’, beautiful hymn choc-full with meaning and promise. Holy Mass being celebrated for deceased parents of my former Shorthand and Typing teacher Cathy (1973). Impromptu rendezvous, wonderful stroll down memory lane, tea and apple-tart. Cathy really taken with my two ‘life-folders’ plan, put in place recently for my life-journey henceforward. (My skinny folder/Feb13th Blog).

Lima, from Lithuania, magnificent knitter offered to knit me a sweater. No cost. Kind generous Lima. 

Diarmuid and I strolled in the sunshine and of course our ‘selfie’. Precious time together Mother and son.❤️ Dan gifted me a beautiful watch for no reason at all. I gifted him my prayer, sublime exchange, both of us thrilled.

C extremely downcast told me that his friend A is in hospital with the same serious liver problems as C himself is suffering. Myriad tablets are keeping C alive, well and sober. He accepted my prayer some time ago and today he took one to give to A when he visits him in hospital. Lethal Vodka. C and A would never accept my countless prayer offers, they would always laugh and say; ‘Not for us thanks’. Now they will both pray, never too late, God’s mercy forever available and totally free.

My sister Josie told me: ‘I thought I could hear you in the town’, while I was in Vancouver. Heart to heart. Coeur a coeur πŸ’ž.My sister Katy and her husband Donal visited No.6 - first time since Lockdowns began. I visited with my dear lady Sheila, she brings me so much joy.

Tony, visiting cat refused my dry food opting happily instead for a whole tin of tuna from my kitchen cupboard.πŸ₯³ 🐈‍⬛

I would have loved one more week in Vancouver, I was in no hurry home, but all day today was so filled with beauty and light, reminding me that we are always exactly where we are meant to be all of the time. There are no co-incidents only God-incidents. Do the next right thing, keep on walking in the Gladsome Light of Christ. That is ENOUGH

Roy Keane one time said; ‘The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish’... I’m not so sure🀨

I penned the above last night and this morning as I awoke with the words; ‘’ emanating from my mouth. ‘One’ as opposed to ‘I’ meaning (EVERYONE) - clear wisdom for each of us, totally in keeping with my core message; ‘Keep walking in the Gladsome Light of Christ’. 

Wonderful Holy Spirit never ceases to amaze and delight.πŸ˜€ 

                                                                          ☀️Dear Sheila.πŸ“Ώ
‘You know I don’t like dry food’.....🐈‍⬛
‘This is sooooo much better’...🐈‍⬛
A watch and a prayer..... πŸ™πŸ»⏱

Today, 18/10/2022, dear Lima presented me with this beautiful hand-knitted sweater. Perfect timing! Tomorrow, please God I am going on pilgrimage to Medugorje. ❤️πŸ™πŸ»

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