Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Thirty minute stroll this morning turned into a prolonged searching, we got utterly lost. Barclay Street seemed to have disappeared right off the map. In our wandering mayhem wouldn’t you know! Catholic Church just happened to pop up before my eyes. O happy day☀️ Doors locked but around the side Alison busy cleaning Momma Mary’s Grotto told us that the side door was open for just a few moments more. We dashed inside and knelt in humble praise and thanksgiving. Holy Mass at 8AM tomorrow morning she told us too. I am beyond thrilled.

Many kind folk gave us directions, like Mr. Howard Soon, Master Winemaker, Vanessa Vineyard. Wonderful encounter with Mr. Soon, interesting conversation, lots of fun. ‘How soon’ gets bandied about a lot, he told us. Joy filled folk are such a blessing to behold. Humble man too.

Eric, young guy with impeccable manners kindly looked up ‘Barclay Street’ on his phone. I offered him my prayer and as he half-accepted it, I told him that I am just an Irish Granny who wishes with all my heart that our beautiful young folk would know that they do not have to figure it all out by their own might. When he heard that my late husband and eldest son are both named Eric he was shocked. God-incidence for sure🎆 ‘I will keep this prayer. Thank you very much’, he replied, really upbeat and super happy.

Tonight we dined with Killian’s two housemates Jonathan and Aaron. Three amigos, steadfast friends since childhood, easy, enjoyable evening, ton of fun. Jonathan and Aaron both accepted my prayer of course😀

‘In peace I will lie down and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety’. (Psalm 4:8)

                                                                       Three amigos.👲👲👲

                                                                       Love birds🐦🐦💞 

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