Thursday, May 19, 2022

Proclaim God’s marvellous deeds to all the nations.πŸ₯³πŸ™πŸ»

We arrived early for 8AM Holy Mass this morning in the beautiful Guardian Angels Catholic Church. Sacrosanct sacred space covered in cloak of silence, devout priest already sat in prayer, sacristan too. Even the footsteps of folk arriving for Holy Mass seamlessly soundless.

Father spoke of the unconditional love of Jesus for the Father and the unconditional love of the Father for Jesus. The love Jesus receives from the Father cannot be contained and the love we have received from Jesus cannot be contained too. It is so dynamic it has to be offered, it has to be shared without conditions. Ask today to love like the Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father.

He ended his homily with the words: ‘I can tell you plainly! ‘If you cannot share the love of the Father then you have no love in you’. 

I really felt and knew in my deepest spirit that I was present at the supper of the Lamb.

‘For with You is the fountain of life; In Your Light do we see light’. (Psalm 36:9)

Walking back to our apartment a ‘beginning again’, feeling wrapped itself around me. I was reminded of my first pilgrimage to Medugorje more than twenty years ago. A feeling of newness.......
(A never-ending beginning again of the joy of hearing me’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis)

‘God is eternal newness. He impels us constantly to set out anew, to pass beyond what is familiar, to the fringes and beyond’. (Pope Francis)

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