Wednesday, April 13, 2022

God’s ways are not our ways.๐Ÿ•Š

‘Lord, make me like crystal, that Your light might shine through me’. (Katherine Mansfield)

On way to Holy Mass Cliff stopped me in my tracks leting me know about something amazing and wonderful that had transpired in his world just a few days ago. Beaming like I hadn’t seen him in a very long time, I was sure I was about to be gifted riveting conversion tale. Instead he blurted out: ‘I invested in Bitcoin and I made myself quite a bit of money’. ‘Super news’, I replied ‘but don’t forget to share’. ‘I will share’, he replied, thrilled to bits with himself as he skipped merrily away.

Of course I was happy for him, Cliff has weathered many storms and witnessing his joyful demeanour lifted my spirits no end. Riveting conversion tale will come in it’s own time.๐ŸŽถ

In Church young girl setting up to sing at Holy Mass accepted my prayer. Later I learned that Holy Mass this morning was being offered for her uncle who died tragically. She loved her uncle very much, he was looking out for her this morning. God rest his gentle soul. 

Elderly lady lighting holy candles in Church accepted my prayer. ‘My name is Bridget’, I said. ‘My name is Bridget too’, she replied and spontaneously hugging me added: ‘Thank you so much. This is meant to be’.

So many young and not so young, happy grateful recipients from many different locations accepted my prayer today but here’s the thing. Last night I decided to stop handing them out for a while, take a break from prayer-sharing. Happy with my definite decision to defer, I drifted off to sleep. 

About to walk out my door this morning, Holy Spirit prompted me as always to have some prayers in my pocket. I obeyed of course, but I did not expect to use them. After all, did we not both agree last night, Holy Spirit and I, to call a halt to my prayer-sharing for now....

Wonderful Holy Spirit. He waits patiently every time while I fabricate my own elaborate plans and schemes for my life, He lets me have my own way. Then ever so gently, seamlessly silently He talks me around to His perfect plan for my life. Without fail the end result is not only far superior to my own scheming, it brings with it genuine peace of mind and contentment too. 

‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts’.       (Isiah 55:8-9)

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