Thursday, April 7, 2022

Marvellous day.๐Ÿ™Œ

                             ‘What marvels the Lord did for us. Indeed we were glad’ ( Psalm 126:3)

I awoke in the early hours, above Bible verse in my heart and on my lips. As always, barely awake, I scribbled it on the pad on my nightstand. I know from past experience that if I don’t record my nocturnal wisdom right away, it will not be recouped later. Gone like the wind.

At Holy Mass I got to sing ‘Amazing Grace’ with eighteen school children. Incredibly beautiful. After Holy Mass I got to share with a gentleman how it was that I came to love praying with Holy Scripture. I began by reading one Psalm and one chapter of Matthew’s Gospel every day. Not too much to digest all at once. My gentleman friend will begin to do likewise today.

I encountered again two very sad Ukraine ladies who joined me for 3PM Holy Rosary yesterday. I suggested to them then, via Google Translate that in Holy Mass God puts peace in our hearts. Today they seemed more relaxed as they sat in Church having attended Holy Mass.

A young man with many problems accepted my prayer, read it aloud and said: ‘This is nice. May I keep it?’. Big surprise !! The pretty young girl setting up to sing at the upcoming wedding was delighted to receive my prayer too.

On the street I encountered a worried Mom who accepted my prayer for her young son. He is carrying a heavy cross on his young frail shoulders right now. ‘I’m glad we met’, she whispered.

Later during live-streamed 3PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy, a young man with his two young children came and sat in a pew. Afterwards as he accepted my prayer, I asked if I might offer a prayer for his wife too. ‘My wife passed away’, the young man replied. ‘You know sorrow too’, I said. ‘Just a bit’, he replied on the verge of tears. I told him that having walked my own journey of pain and sorrow, I now desire with all my heart to help another, lighten their load, hence my prayer-sharing. 

As I locked the heavy Church doors this evening two little girls came running in. ‘Is there a second Mass happening tomorrow ’, one little girl asked. I told them about our twelve hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for peace in Ukraine. ‘You sang at Mass this morning’, the little girl said. ‘Yes’, I replied - ‘and I remember giving you my prayer once. Do you say it’? She beamed with delight: ‘I say it every single day. I keep it under my pillow’.

Many of our Ukrainian visitors have accepted  my prayer. Somebody said one time: ‘If God can use a donkey, He can surely use me’. 

‘We are living out the joy of walking with Jesus, of being with Him, of carrying His Cross with love, with a spirit that is always young. We have no right to keep caressing our soul, to stay locked up in our own little tiny bubble’. (Pope Francis)

Wonderful visit with my dear Marina today too.❤️

Sad Ukrainian lady took my Rosary beads in her cupped hands and said: ‘Ukraine colours. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

Thankful Jim.๐Ÿˆ 

“Keep in God’s way; keep pace with every hour; Hurt none; do all the good that’s in your power. Hours can’t look back at all; they’ll stay for none; Tread sure, keep up with them, and all’s your own”.
 (Francis Pastorius)

The first time ever I saw your face☀️ Marina meets Daithi for the first time. (21/4/2022)

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