Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Every problem is a ‘PRAYER’ problem๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘My whole strength lies in prayer. Prayer enkindles the fires of love in the heart. Prayer brings joy to the soul. Prayer moves hearts far better than words ever can. I know it by experience’. (The little flower)

Elderly gentleman asked if I would sing ‘Lay your hands gently upon us’ at Holy Mass this morning.  ‘There is a world of sickness around the place’, he shared anxiously. 

Yes indeed, countless struggling folk in our town right now. Ukrainian visitors too, horrors of war vividly displayed on their somber grief stricken faces. Feeling helpless, easy to be downcast and dejected but I will continue to look up in Hope. Instead of looking down in despair I turn to prayer. The darkness is not meant to defeat me, it is meant to develop me. We are to be warriors of light in this our day and time. 

Prayer and intercession are the ways we deal with terrible times. Every problem is a ‘PRAYER’ problem.

Prayer is to the soul what rain is to the soil, prayer is where God’s heart meets my heart. Without prayer our souls dehydrate and die. We don’t know what God knows. Our prayer is our pathway to grace and peace. 

We can trust God’s Hand even if we do not understand His plan. ‘It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness’. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Holy Mass every morning. Receiving Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Eucharist. Adoration of most Holy Sacrament one hour every morning too. Strength extraordinaire for life’s journey, radiation therapy. 

When I give God one hour He looks after the other twenty three hours. My Holy Rosary - ‘Contemplating the Face of Christ at the school of Mary’. (St. Pope John Paul)

I love Corrie Ten Boom’s joyful words:

‘Jesus presence is always with you. No need to be anxious or fret. Our wonderful Lord is there all the time. He has never forsaken us yet’.Amen

This evening I learn that my dear first cousin Mary passed away suddenly earlier today. I am so sad. Thank you Father God for holding us in the palm of Your hand all the time. We would be lost without You. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป❤️

‘Do not forget prayer. Every time you pray, if your prayer is sincere, there will be new feeling and new meaning in it, which will give you fresh courage’. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

‘Pray Hope and don’t worry. Anxiety will not help at all. Prayer is the key that opens the heart of God. Trust in the infinite goodness of God’. (St. Pio)

‘It is more important to pray than it is to breathe’. (St. Gregory of Nyssa)
‘To abandon prayer is to invite spiritual suffocation’. (Fr. Sebastian White)

Next morning after Holy Mass the elderly gentleman gifted me ‘After Eight’ chocolates for singing ‘Lay Your hands gently upon us’. Pleasantly surprised, I told him the privilege was all mine and he simply said: ‘You did me a favour girleen’. Sometimes the smallest thing can make the world of difference in somebody’s life. 

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