Monday, August 28, 2023

Begin again☀️

‘God cannot possibly be a figment of my imagination because He is nothing I could ever imagine Him to be. He goes beyond it all’. (C.S. Lewis)

Many folk received my powerful prayer today. Maybe best prayer-sharing day ever!!

Lady lightning candles in Church accepted my prayer with the words: ‘Today is my Mom’s tenth anniversary and that is why I happen to be at Holy Mass in this Church today’ . (Many folk receive my prayer on a special anniversary of a loved one).

Guy who told me: ‘We are taking a boat to the Skelligs right now and both of us suffer badly with travel-sickness. Flawless timing! Your prayer is just perfect for us’. Spanish family who gifted me ‘well-worn’ picture of Mother Mary in exchange for my powerful prayer. Countless others too.

Thing is I awoke this morning joyless, missing my dear Marina deeply with no plan to share a prayer with anyone. None whatsoever! Then somebody crosses my path and without thinking, off I go again offering my powerful prayer. Holy Spirit beyond amazing every time.

This afternoon I took Holy Eucharist to my sister May.  Aftewards we strolled in the sunshine chatting merrily. That too amazing if not a tad miraculous! May and I haven’t always seen eye to eye. (To say the very least!) 

God can use me even when my heavy heart weighs a ton! All I got to do is ‘show up’. God does the rest! Everything God expects of us He supplies. Whatever He commands, He enables.

Just now I read the following in St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Diary:

‘Know, My daughter, that in one moment I can give you everything that is needed for the fulfilment of this task’. (Jesus to St. Faustina).

Marina and me. 15/6/23❤️

                                      Beautiful Mother Mary picture from Spanish familyπŸ™πŸ»❤️

                                                                      Powerful prayer❤️
                     Less prayer - less power. More prayer - more power. No prayer - No power. πŸ™πŸ»

Sunday, August 27, 2023


‘Wherever you find perfect beauty and perfect charm you find Me. 
(Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)

Beautiful Marina is gone to God. She tripped lightly along to her eternal reward, gently and peacefully, just as she lived every day of her life here on earth. I would have dearly loved just one more day sitting in prayer by her bedside but that was not to be. 

How blessed are we now to have one so beautiful interceding for us all in highest Heaven. Our very own Saint. For sure dear Marina committed not a single sin in all her time here on earth. To quote my son Diarmuid when he learned that Marina had passed: ‘Thank God, of all people Marina is A1 anyway’. 😁

I want to live the remainder of my life here on earth just as you did, dearest Marina. With God’s Holy help I want to die as you did too.

Today my heavy heart is aching, I will miss you every day…... I know I will.

Until we meet again on that beautiful shore……

‘Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent’. (St. John of the Cross)

Sixteen years we were best pals❤️

Four weeks ago. ❤️


Fun-filled day☀️

‘In everything, whether it is a thing sensed or a thing known, God Himself is hidden within’. 
(St. Bonaventure)



‘We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place for those who love us’. 
                                                               (St. Bernard of Clairvaux)

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Unleashing Hope☀️

‘Enjoy the fragrance of eternal life breathed on you by means of the Sacraments’. (St. Ambrose)

He looked thin and tired, bone weary walking along, another long work day over Thank God. Polish, residing in our town quite a while. 

We had never spoken before this evening. He took my powerful prayer, surprised. ‘I have a question. Do you go to Church?’, he enquired. ‘I love Holy Mass very much’, I replied. ‘I like Jesus’, he said. ‘That’s a good start’, I replied, we both laughed.

Catholic but he does not attend Holy Mass because in Poland he learned that ‘Before receiving Holy Eucharist we must receive the Sacrament of Penance’ and many years have come and gone since his last Confession.

Right then, with laser beam precision, Father emerges from his house on his way to celebrate Holy Mass. I run to him elated, my feet barely touching the ground: ‘Can you do something wonderful right now Father’, I utter. Dear Father, unhesitatingly, straight away heard my friend’s first Confession in the longest time.

‘The Grace of the Holy Spirit knows no delay’. (St. Ambrose)

‘Maybe I come to Mass tomorrow’, my friend told me, smiling like a thousand suns. Placing his well worn hands in prayer position he whispered: ‘It is good. I am very happy’. 

Gloriously remarkably stopped in his tracks by God’s amazing Grace. All of Heaven rejoicing!! My heart overjoyed this night. 

‘We are missionaries of mercy, sent by the Father of mercy, to distribute the treasures of mercy to those in need’. (St. John Eudes)

                                                     Tonight we walked on the blue beach 🏝️ 

                                                              My powerful prayerπŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ»

‘You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have taken off my sackcloth and you’ve clothed me with gladness. O Lord my God I will praise Thee forever’. (Psalm 30:11-12)

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Sunshiny day☀️πŸ™πŸ»

 ‘Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the whole world cannot make up for it’.           (St. Charbel Makhlouf)

         ‘Ours is an adventure with God, with life, with people, with each other’. (Catherine Doherty)

‘He/she who dwells in the heart of God is aflame with love, and sets on fire everyone he/she touches’. 
(Catherine Doherty)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Life is like that☀️

‘The stillness of prayer is the most essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple kneels down’. (St. Gianna Molla)
‘Perhaps today is a good day to receive my prayer’, I suggested to Brad as he listed myriad complications occurring in his life right now. ‘Perhaps it is’, he uttered. One thing renews another…….

Some years ago as we were about to begin to pray Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s Day-room, some visitors made for the door in haste. ‘The ball is about to be thrown in’, one exclaimed in panic. After they had scarpered I told my precious folk waiting excitedly for our Holy Rosary to begin: ‘One day every person will pray a Holy Rosary’. Michael (gone to God now) quipped: ‘Or have it prayed over them’.

Recently I had occasion to relate that tale to my Docter and he remarked: ‘Michael certainly got that right’. 

Yes, we can survive and even ‘live well’ many long years with no thought of prayer but as sure as day follows night, the time will surely come when our own ‘might’ will become threadbare and ultimately redundant.

Ellen informed me angrily today that my prayers are ‘not helping her at all’. Her health is not improving one tiny bit! 

‘Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured’. (Mark Twain)

Kate messaged: ‘Thank you. I got your Rosary (live-streamed). Beautiful as always’. After that, Mother Mary invited Mary (visiting our Church and stayed on for Holy Rosary) to Medugorje in the midst of our joyful encounter. Magnificently!

All for Jesus and Mary! Praise and blame, I treat those two imposters the same!

I met Richard and Tamsy last, more than eight years ago when Sheila and I knocked on their door asking for money. Nora (who’s life had been no bed of roses) lost her sight and three thousand euro urgently required for eye surgery.  We knocked on countless doors, raised enough money and Nora’s sight was restored to her Thank God. God Bless you abundantly, kind folk, one and all. Witnessing Nora in hospital being able to see again after surgery will remain forever in my deepest heart.

This morning I stopped to chat with Tim (Nora’s brother) outside a cafe and along comes Richard and Tamsy after all this time. That Nora’s brother Tim was present, icing on the cake. Impromptu! Unbelievable!! 
(Richard and Tamsey received my powerful prayer too).
‘You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but according 
to the measure of your love’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

When I told Chuck that I was delighted to see him, he replied laughingly: ‘Always better to be seen than viewed’. πŸ˜‚

Friday, August 11, 2023

You will live in a spirit of glad surprise🌟

This morning, I read the above in my little πŸ“• gem ‘God calling 2’.  Never gets old!! I bought it 2014, read it every day for the past soon-to-be nine years and still I am constantly surprised by joy. Always another layer!

Last evening I took a white leather shoulder-bag from my wardrobe with the intention of gifting it to my oldest granddaughter Saoirse. Suddenly the words: ‘Give it to Mandy’ (refugee friend) danced into my heart. 

After Holy Mass we met up as always, and as Mandy gazed on that pretty white shoulder-bag, she uttered in total amazement: ‘I searched for a bag in the Charity shop yesterday but could not find one like this with a long strap’. Yes indeed : ‘You will live in a spirit of glad surprise’. 

Many prayer-sharing remarkable encounters every single day. Mostly they happen in Church, (my favourite place of sanctuary in this whole wide world). Myriad welcome visitors dropping by, yesterday joyful couple from Hawaii. What more perfect setting to share and receive my powerful prayer! 

One lady noticing medals around my neck, gifted me St. Martin De Porres medal from her purse. So special! We grew up loving dear St. Martin in our humble happy home. Being the recipient for a change felt really good!! 

I walked to St. Anne’s in the pouring rain wearing my wonderfully waterproof coat from dear cousin Mary in London. No way could I have possibly ventured out today without it. Last November while Mary was visiting I admired her coat and unbeknownst to me she returned back home to London scantily clad without her warm coat. Always Mary is fondly remembered in our beautiful St. Anne’s Holy Rosary.πŸ“Ώ Sacred sacrosanct space full of light and life.

Tonight I took a stroll about town and because of yet another beautiful impromptu encounter, one terminally-ill man will receive my prayer and Mother Mary Rosary beads. God and Mary please hold him close.

Beholding two elderly Ukrainian ladies on a bench in the Marina, admiring sumptuous sunset☀️gladdened my heart.

Thank you Holy Trinity One God for EVERYTHING and the inner notion more and more, that I am exactly where You want me to be right now. My paltry words simply skim the surface of all it is that You do in my life every minute of every day. 

There is nothing more tremendous in life than doing the will of God!

‘The most radical thing you can do in life is abandon yourself to the wild adventure of God’s will’.              (Bear Wozniak)

                                           ‘Do something beautiful for God’. (St. Mother Teresa)

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Festival time 🎑

‘Again Jesus spoke to them saying; ‘I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’. (John 8:12)


                                                      Cameostate here we come 🎢 🎀 πŸ•Ί πŸ’ƒ 

                                                                         Icy Atlantic πŸ₯Ά 

                                                                  Luna Belle and Nan❤️

                                                                          Sisterly love❤️
                                                                All eyes on Luna BelleπŸ“Έ☀️
                                           Bright lights! Thick smoke! and loud loud music 🎢🌟😁

                                                          A mother’s love is a blessing☀️πŸ™πŸ»
                                  If I could see the world through the eyes of a child………..🎢☀️

                                                                    Three generations πŸ™πŸ»❤️
                                                                        🎢☀️Let’s swing🎑
                                                                       Mad HattersπŸ™Œ☀️
                                                                     Blessed are we☀️πŸ™πŸ»
            Holiday over😌 Impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time though!!☀️πŸ™πŸ»❤️

‘All the things in this world are gifts of God, created for us, to be the means by which we can come to know Him better, love Him more surely, and serve Him more faithfully.’. (St. Ignatius of Loyola)