Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Life is like that☀️

‘The stillness of prayer is the most essential condition for fruitful action. Before all else, the disciple kneels down’. (St. Gianna Molla)
‘Perhaps today is a good day to receive my prayer’, I suggested to Brad as he listed myriad complications occurring in his life right now. ‘Perhaps it is’, he uttered. One thing renews another…….

Some years ago as we were about to begin to pray Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s Day-room, some visitors made for the door in haste. ‘The ball is about to be thrown in’, one exclaimed in panic. After they had scarpered I told my precious folk waiting excitedly for our Holy Rosary to begin: ‘One day every person will pray a Holy Rosary’. Michael (gone to God now) quipped: ‘Or have it prayed over them’.

Recently I had occasion to relate that tale to my Docter and he remarked: ‘Michael certainly got that right’. 

Yes, we can survive and even ‘live well’ many long years with no thought of prayer but as sure as day follows night, the time will surely come when our own ‘might’ will become threadbare and ultimately redundant.

Ellen informed me angrily today that my prayers are ‘not helping her at all’. Her health is not improving one tiny bit! 

‘Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured’. (Mark Twain)

Kate messaged: ‘Thank you. I got your Rosary (live-streamed). Beautiful as always’. After that, Mother Mary invited Mary (visiting our Church and stayed on for Holy Rosary) to Medugorje in the midst of our joyful encounter. Magnificently!

All for Jesus and Mary! Praise and blame, I treat those two imposters the same!

I met Richard and Tamsy last, more than eight years ago when Sheila and I knocked on their door asking for money. Nora (who’s life had been no bed of roses) lost her sight and three thousand euro urgently required for eye surgery.  We knocked on countless doors, raised enough money and Nora’s sight was restored to her Thank God. God Bless you abundantly, kind folk, one and all. Witnessing Nora in hospital being able to see again after surgery will remain forever in my deepest heart.

This morning I stopped to chat with Tim (Nora’s brother) outside a cafe and along comes Richard and Tamsy after all this time. That Nora’s brother Tim was present, icing on the cake. Impromptu! Unbelievable!! 
(Richard and Tamsey received my powerful prayer too).
‘You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but according 
to the measure of your love’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

When I told Chuck that I was delighted to see him, he replied laughingly: ‘Always better to be seen than viewed’. 😂

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