Sunday, August 20, 2023

Unleashing Hope☀️

‘Enjoy the fragrance of eternal life breathed on you by means of the Sacraments’. (St. Ambrose)

He looked thin and tired, bone weary walking along, another long work day over Thank God. Polish, residing in our town quite a while. 

We had never spoken before this evening. He took my powerful prayer, surprised. ‘I have a question. Do you go to Church?’, he enquired. ‘I love Holy Mass very much’, I replied. ‘I like Jesus’, he said. ‘That’s a good start’, I replied, we both laughed.

Catholic but he does not attend Holy Mass because in Poland he learned that ‘Before receiving Holy Eucharist we must receive the Sacrament of Penance’ and many years have come and gone since his last Confession.

Right then, with laser beam precision, Father emerges from his house on his way to celebrate Holy Mass. I run to him elated, my feet barely touching the ground: ‘Can you do something wonderful right now Father’, I utter. Dear Father, unhesitatingly, straight away heard my friend’s first Confession in the longest time.

‘The Grace of the Holy Spirit knows no delay’. (St. Ambrose)

‘Maybe I come to Mass tomorrow’, my friend told me, smiling like a thousand suns. Placing his well worn hands in prayer position he whispered: ‘It is good. I am very happy’. 

Gloriously remarkably stopped in his tracks by God’s amazing Grace. All of Heaven rejoicing!! My heart overjoyed this night. 

‘We are missionaries of mercy, sent by the Father of mercy, to distribute the treasures of mercy to those in need’. (St. John Eudes)

                                                     Tonight we walked on the blue beach 🏝️ 

                                                              My powerful prayer🌟🙏🏻

‘You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have taken off my sackcloth and you’ve clothed me with gladness. O Lord my God I will praise Thee forever’. (Psalm 30:11-12)

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