Monday, August 28, 2023

Begin again☀️

‘God cannot possibly be a figment of my imagination because He is nothing I could ever imagine Him to be. He goes beyond it all’. (C.S. Lewis)

Many folk received my powerful prayer today. Maybe best prayer-sharing day ever!!

Lady lightning candles in Church accepted my prayer with the words: ‘Today is my Mom’s tenth anniversary and that is why I happen to be at Holy Mass in this Church today’ . (Many folk receive my prayer on a special anniversary of a loved one).

Guy who told me: ‘We are taking a boat to the Skelligs right now and both of us suffer badly with travel-sickness. Flawless timing! Your prayer is just perfect for us’. Spanish family who gifted me ‘well-worn’ picture of Mother Mary in exchange for my powerful prayer. Countless others too.

Thing is I awoke this morning joyless, missing my dear Marina deeply with no plan to share a prayer with anyone. None whatsoever! Then somebody crosses my path and without thinking, off I go again offering my powerful prayer. Holy Spirit beyond amazing every time.

This afternoon I took Holy Eucharist to my sister May.  Aftewards we strolled in the sunshine chatting merrily. That too amazing if not a tad miraculous! May and I haven’t always seen eye to eye. (To say the very least!) 

God can use me even when my heavy heart weighs a ton! All I got to do is ‘show up’. God does the rest! Everything God expects of us He supplies. Whatever He commands, He enables.

Just now I read the following in St. Faustina’s Divine Mercy Diary:

‘Know, My daughter, that in one moment I can give you everything that is needed for the fulfilment of this task’. (Jesus to St. Faustina).

Marina and me. 15/6/23❤️

                                      Beautiful Mother Mary picture from Spanish family🙏🏻❤️

                                                                      Powerful prayer❤️
                     Less prayer - less power. More prayer - more power. No prayer - No power. 🙏🏻

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