Friday, August 11, 2023

You will live in a spirit of glad surprise🌟

This morning, I read the above in my little 📕 gem ‘God calling 2’.  Never gets old!! I bought it 2014, read it every day for the past soon-to-be nine years and still I am constantly surprised by joy. Always another layer!

Last evening I took a white leather shoulder-bag from my wardrobe with the intention of gifting it to my oldest granddaughter Saoirse. Suddenly the words: ‘Give it to Mandy’ (refugee friend) danced into my heart. 

After Holy Mass we met up as always, and as Mandy gazed on that pretty white shoulder-bag, she uttered in total amazement: ‘I searched for a bag in the Charity shop yesterday but could not find one like this with a long strap’. Yes indeed : ‘You will live in a spirit of glad surprise’. 

Many prayer-sharing remarkable encounters every single day. Mostly they happen in Church, (my favourite place of sanctuary in this whole wide world). Myriad welcome visitors dropping by, yesterday joyful couple from Hawaii. What more perfect setting to share and receive my powerful prayer! 

One lady noticing medals around my neck, gifted me St. Martin De Porres medal from her purse. So special! We grew up loving dear St. Martin in our humble happy home. Being the recipient for a change felt really good!! 

I walked to St. Anne’s in the pouring rain wearing my wonderfully waterproof coat from dear cousin Mary in London. No way could I have possibly ventured out today without it. Last November while Mary was visiting I admired her coat and unbeknownst to me she returned back home to London scantily clad without her warm coat. Always Mary is fondly remembered in our beautiful St. Anne’s Holy Rosary.📿 Sacred sacrosanct space full of light and life.

Tonight I took a stroll about town and because of yet another beautiful impromptu encounter, one terminally-ill man will receive my prayer and Mother Mary Rosary beads. God and Mary please hold him close.

Beholding two elderly Ukrainian ladies on a bench in the Marina, admiring sumptuous sunset☀️gladdened my heart.

Thank you Holy Trinity One God for EVERYTHING and the inner notion more and more, that I am exactly where You want me to be right now. My paltry words simply skim the surface of all it is that You do in my life every minute of every day. 

There is nothing more tremendous in life than doing the will of God!

‘The most radical thing you can do in life is abandon yourself to the wild adventure of God’s will’.              (Bear Wozniak)

                                           ‘Do something beautiful for God’. (St. Mother Teresa)

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