Sunday, August 27, 2023


‘Wherever you find perfect beauty and perfect charm you find Me. 
(Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)

Beautiful Marina is gone to God. She tripped lightly along to her eternal reward, gently and peacefully, just as she lived every day of her life here on earth. I would have dearly loved just one more day sitting in prayer by her bedside but that was not to be. 

How blessed are we now to have one so beautiful interceding for us all in highest Heaven. Our very own Saint. For sure dear Marina committed not a single sin in all her time here on earth. To quote my son Diarmuid when he learned that Marina had passed: ‘Thank God, of all people Marina is A1 anyway’. 😁

I want to live the remainder of my life here on earth just as you did, dearest Marina. With God’s Holy help I want to die as you did too.

Today my heavy heart is aching, I will miss you every day…... I know I will.

Until we meet again on that beautiful shore……

‘Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent’. (St. John of the Cross)

Sixteen years we were best pals❤️

Four weeks ago. ❤️


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