Saturday, September 2, 2023

‘If you don’t close your ears to others, You open God’s ear to yourself’. (St. Peter Chrysologus)

‘Whenever we show kindness to the suffering, the persecuted, the defenceless and share in their sufferings, we help to carry that same Cross of Christ’. (Pope Benedict Emeritus)

Jim 🐈 and Tony 🐈‍⬛ stop by for breakfast every morning on their way from ‘only God knows where’ to mysterious destination ‘who knows’. Joys of being a free and easy cat!! I love their company. For the longest time they looked on from afar scared to venture close but not anymore Thank God.

Yesterday after 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church, grateful lady gifted me ten euro. Right after that, tea in Ukrainian owned ‘Lazy cat cafe’ with my friends from far-off distant shores. Our tea and doughnuts cost exactly ten euro! 

Killian just about to order another Bible when my sister Agnes tells me she has just one left for my friend. (Planning Bible study in the next few weeks - more on that later!). Agnes tells me too she got me local honey - I was going to buy some today. God knows exactly what I need before I am aware of it myself. Why do I worry I ask myself….

‘Before ever a word is on my tongue You know it, O Lord, through and through. Too wonderful for me this knowledge, too high beyond my reach’. (Psalm 139:4&6)

‘I was very afraid but I had to do it’, replied my young friend when I asked how she felt leaving behind her kinsfolk and country.  ‘I prayed to God’, she uttered gently. So young to be alone and afraid in a strange land but already she is beginning to look happier and healthier.

Some were sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin before they got to the safety of our town. They get emotional with gratitude talking about their first night in cozy clean beds. How they slept that first night and every night since! In their charming company I am deeply inspired to become a better me! Every action a transaction. All of us winners.

Miracle after miracle unfolding before my eyes as I walk with my beautiful Jesus every step of the way. Praying for sure but laying it all at Jesus feet, telling Him everything, keeps my burden light and in turn I am better equipped to be present to my friends. Without the Gladsome Light of Christ we stagger and stumble in deep darkness. 

‘To sit at the Master’s feet is to stand on top of the world’. (Indian proverb)

God owns EVERYTHING. Sharing freely with others is easy to do when we know and believe without question or doubt that we arrived here empty-handed and when our time comes to bid farewell, we will take with us into the next life only what we have given away here on earth.

‘Two important dates in a person’s life’, wrote Mr. Mark Twain. ‘The day one is born and the day one discovers what one was born to do’.

‘Be who you are and be that well, in honour of the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are’,                  (St. Frances De Sales)

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