Friday, September 29, 2023


‘He/she who dwells in the heart of God is aflame with love and sets on fire everyone they touch’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

Mary and I met up for tea in Killarney today at the end of my extremely enjoyable train journey, packed to overflowing with amazing prayer-sharing encounters.  Sad, happy and everywhere in between. 

Sitting with Mary, puts it all in perspective. Witnessing her joy and easy laughter despite much suffering throughout her long life, her strong faith, makes me want to do whatever I can do for anyone and everyone, for as long as I can do it, here in this wonderful world.

‘Let us make up for lost time. Let us give to God the time that remains to us’. (St. Alphonsus Liguori)

My designated seat on train was occupied by delightful young man busy on his laptop. Of course he wanted to move but I insisted he stay put. Having joyfully accepted my powerful prayer, I left him to it and moved to vacant seat across the aisle. Right move! Divinely inspired!

My companion this time poor devastated Dad whose precious son was killed in road traffic accident recently. Thank you wonderful Holy Spirit for always guiding my steps.

We chatted. We cried. He took my powerful prayer for each family member - seven in total.
My Holy Mass this morning specially for Michael and family.

‘Why should you create solitude for yourself if I want you before the public? My beloved little child, take me, take me to others. Be Christlike’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)

After Holy Mass this morning I offered my prayer to two pretty girls and a baby. Ukrainian, they had not a word of English but when they realised I was gifting them a prayer, one lady sobbed uncontrollably. We stood awhile in reverential silence, all four of us gazing on beautiful Jesus in Holy Tabernacle. Best prayer of all!!

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