Tuesday, October 3, 2023

God is amazing.☀️

‘At each step we can admire the grandeur, the power, the goodness of God. How bountifully He provides for all our wants - I would even say our pleasures!’ (St. Theodore Guerin)
Ruairi and Daithi gone again after our wonderful weekend together. Beyond enjoyable!! Action packed weekend, sweet Daithi has no time to spare right now. Joys of being two years old!! We loved every single second. 

This afternoon my precious privilege praying at Michael’s bedside as he bade farewell to this world and returned home to Heaven. Every time is like the first time. No roof in our room, no floor in Heaven. Sacred sacrosanct space. I savoured every moment.

Glad to catch up with B this evening. First time since she arrived desolate in our town three weeks ago from far off shores. On that day B was anxious and scared. Today she looks amazing! Both of us danced joyfully on the spot. What a mighty God we serve!

As I walked home, having witnessed B so thrilled with life, I said to myself: ‘This is how it must feel to win the lotto - multiplied by millions’.☀️

To be part of something so amazing. No words!!

‘We will find no rest for our heart or spirit as long as we seek it in insignificant things, which cannot satisfy us, rather than in God, who is omnipotent, omniscient and beneficent’. (Julian of Norwich)

At Holy Mass, three of walking up to receive Holy Eucharist. Little Daithi in the middle holding both our hands. (Three generations). As Ruairi and I both received Holy Eucharist, Daithi reached out his tiny hand wishing to receive Jesus too.
 Holy moment.☀️
                                   One of my friends from far off shores wrote this today…….🌟

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