Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Anchored in The Lord☀️

May we ever be aware in everything we do, Lord. That knowledge comes from learning and wisdom comes from You. Amen

The clear thought ‘You mind mine. I’ll mind yours’, awakened me from my deep slumber. Glorious consoling confirmation from on High!! Every time I reach out in love to my brothers and sisters in Christ, when I joyfully willingly share, then my own dear family are safe in Father God’s wonderful care. I love it!!

Two main purposes of life: To grow and to serve.

Today, witnessing our visitors from foreign lands overjoyed and extremely grateful for much needed assistance from our little Church community and one charitable organisation who went that extra mile, moved me to tears. What a privilege to be part of something so incredibly beautiful.

To be a combatant and not merely a spectator in these troubled times.

This evening I enjoyed amazing African food gifted to me by one young man. ‘It is all I can give’, he told me. I could honestly reply from my deepest heart that he and his country folk are gifting us far more than they realise - if we but have the eyes to see! Our visitors do not come empty-handed. (First time in my life to eat African meal. Beyond delicious!!)

Lady in Church, enduring Alzheimer’s, happily accepted my prayer. ‘She will say it every morning’, her daughter told me. Young boy working in shop will pray my prayer every morning too because ‘he does not like his job one bit’. Many other amazing prayer-sharing encounters too. No refusal in the longest time!!

Lady ahead of me in shop queue, her basket bearing mostly alcohol, walking with the aid of a stick. How she came to my aid when I realised my loose change was less than the cost of my goods!! (Wallet at home). Dear kind lady. Generous shop assistant insisted on paying my debt though. (Money and me!!)

I love gifting our visitors notepads and pens so they can begin offloading their thoughts and terrors. I know only too well the benefits gleaned. All of us are uniquely crafted with a story that indicates that fact. 

Let us write our own story. No one knows it better than ourselves! 

Live hopefully! No matter what.

‘Many live like angels in the midst of the world. Why not you?’. (St. Jose Maria Escriva)

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